interERP problems on uvax3 fixed

Subject: interERP problems on uvax3 fixed
Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 04:48:47 EDT

   Yesterday during calibrations/maintenance day we solved the problem with
   interErp exposed in the mail sent by Nicola Zaccheo on 4-SEP-1999.
   The damage was caused by a bad cable that connects the 2 QUAD LINEAR
   FANIN/FANOUT situated one side in SM5 RACK 15 CRATE 1 STATION 12
   and the other in SM5 RACK 13 CRATE 3 STATION 2.
   We replaced the cable and fixed the problem .

   So, Starting from run 18223 the data quality for interERP on SM3 camed back
  to normality.
                                            Ciao Roberto.

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