..ERP calibrations immune of the Y2K problem (!?)

Subject: ..ERP calibrations immune of the Y2K problem (!?)
Date: Fri Jan 07 2000 - 12:05:58 EST

     Ciao a tutti,

    I have just updated the "WORK" DB for ref. run 18832 (last week).
    This covers runs up to run 18872 (05-JAN-2000) and include runs
    "straddled" two millennia.....

    I used usual codes without any Y2K compliance because we don't
    need absolut time for this analysis. I didn't find any problems
    and/or strangeness and the data quality is very good.

    In any case, handle with particular care this period and let me
    know if you find any kind of problems.

    A presto,


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