New calibration constants for 1st 6 months of Attico data

Subject: New calibration constants for 1st 6 months of Attico data
Date: Tue Jun 06 2000 - 13:59:27 EDT

   Ciao a tutti,

   I've just completed recalibrations for runs 7466-8570, the first 6 months
of full Attico data (27-APR-94 till 25-OCT-94).
   Please point your analyses to the database
or take and execute the corresponding .KUMACs from
   Files relevant to the results of the muon calibrations for these 26 weeks
can be found either on the web under
(26 subdirectories containing .GIF files, 26 .MASK files, 1 summary file
or under the area
DISK$MACRO:[ACQMACRO.CALCODE_B.%%%%%] -> %%%%% is the CALMOD reference run #.
   In a nutshell, here is how the new calibrations look
(1) Porting back to 1994 the TDC slopes calculated in 2000 appears to give
    better results compared to using the TDC slopes calculated at that time.
(2) The detector (as a whole) appears to be giving very good data, with
    the exception of *CERTAIN BOXES* and *CERTAIN INTERERP SM PAIRS*
(3) Bad boxes: - Runs 7466-8570: 2T09, 5E08, 5E09
                                 (suggest excluding them completely)
               - Runs 7466-7594: 2B13
               - Runs 8035-8056: Entire SM6
               - Occasianally (3 weeks, could be statistical fluct.): 2E07
               - North face is OK starting with run 8137
               - South face is OK starting with run 8228
(4) InterERP : - Runs 8093-8124: InterERP problems with SM5/SM6 hits (bad)
               - Runs 8534-8570: InterERP problems with SM5/SM6 hits (bad)
               - Runs 7466-7814 & 7869-8124: InterERP problems with SM5/SM6 hits
                 Too many (>20%) events with overflow words; data OK if
                 excluding these events
               - Runs 7689-7712: InterERP problems with SM3 (both hits for
                 SM2/SM3 and SM3/SM4). Many overflow words, and resulting
                 fits have high sigmas (~2.5nsec, typically 0.8nsec)
               - Runs 8430-8570: InterERP problems with North/SM1 hits:
                 Too many (>20%) events with overflow words; data OK if
                 excluding these events
               - Runs 8177-8198: Too many overflows on SM2/SM3, SM3/SM4,
                                 SM4/SM5 and SM6/South hits

Please grab the new MU-DSTs and run your analyses with these new calibrations.
Let me know what you find; it would be most interesting to know what boxes
you find to be "bad" and exclude from your analyses, or even recalibrate
with your own software.


p.s.: Many thanks to Bob Nolty for providing his list of "bad" boxes, with
      which the muon calibration code is in remarkable agreement.

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