Is it possible to delay one input to the WFD?

Chris Walter (
Thu, 8 Jul 1993 15:11:46 -0800 (PDT)

Hi WF Folks,

I have a question that we have talked about a little bit before. What
I want to know is if it is possible to separate the 2 input signals to
one WF channel in time. I.e. Can we have one input of the two input
signals be delayed by say 100 nsec. so that if the two tanks have
simultaneous signals in them we will be able to resolve them

When we talked about this at Caltech we decided it was probably
infeasible because we were going to have a 4-1 fan-in and it would
require too much delay since one channel would need to be delayed
3*(delay unit) However, now we are going to do a 2-1 fan-in. Because
of this we only need one delay.

Do people think this is feasible? Would it cause problems? If
possible how would it be done?

My physics motivation for this is to be able to analyze the charge
deposition of individual particles in very high multiplicity events.
