update 4/3/94

Younan Lu (lu@hepr1.tamu.edu)
Tue, 5 Apr 94 16:09:17 -0500

Hi WFD members,

It seems that WFD readout speed is still a question which need to be answerd.
The answer to this question is important to the next step. WFD has been
delayed for long time, all of us should work hard to put it on line ASAP.

We now know the recent tests by Ed and Ash show that the readout speed is
about 0.5 Mbyte/s. Can we use block transfer mode? By reading Ed's message
I know that the KAV-30 has no block transfer capability, But the VIC8250
can work as both master and slave. Is it possible to program VIC8250 to do
the job of block transfer? Does any one already investigated this and knew the
answer? If so, please post to WFD group!

I called CES US office, I get the answer is YES. The speed is about
6-10 Mbytes/s. I do'nt fully trust what sale's man said. I will get the
full ducuments very soon. But, I do want to investigate and work on this
issue. If any one have some information, suggestion, etc., please post or
e-mail to me.

Younan Lu, TAMU