Preliminary Results of Data Meeting

Thu, 22 Jun 1995 16:31:35 +0200 (WET-DST)

WFD people:

This is an unofficial note and will be followed by a set of more formal
minutes written by Eugenio.

After a lot of discussion this AM, there was a preliminary agreement to
attempt to keep the WFD data throughput where it is, at 1 ms redout time for
all triggers. In order to reduce the data copying system load, however, the
WFD data will not be archived. (We will personally make copies of whatever
data we need).

Over the next few weeks, the data copying team will look at solutions
for archiving more data, while the WFD team will examine ways to reduce the
data throughput without affecting monopole acceptance (essentially, this may
mean cutting all non-TOHM even readout windows to an approximately 15-20 us
readout window).

- Nat