The program that I used to scan events is a DASH-type program using HIGZ
for graphics. I kept it pretty plain in the hopes of getting an
executable that runs on VXMACB (preferably) or at least VAXGS so that
one can look at data files without copying them. I tried to compile and
link and ran into a problem in each location:
On VAXGS, my X11 and GKS linking failed. See [MACROUSA.DASH]
DASHLINKGKS.COM and DASHLINKX11.COM to see what I tried to use. This is
based on the DECGKS at BUPHYC. I can probably figure out the VAXGS
variation, but if somebody knows the right libraries that would be a help.
On VXMACB, everything linked OK with GKS (see [BOSTONPUB.KEARNS.RAW]
DASHLINK_VXMACB.COM). But the program crashed on startup with KUIP
errors. I suspect this is because the CERNLIB I am using is too old
cf the KUIP stuff in the DASH library I copied from VAXGS. So does
anyone know of the current CERNLIB being installed somewhere on VXMACB?
Or would someone do so? I might, but disk space is tight.
BTW, the detritus of old CERN libraries in $1$DIA0:[CERN0] is pretty funny:
CERNLIB circa 1985
NEWLIB circa 1989
LIBJAN90 circa 1988 (?!)
TEMPLIB circa 1993
Cleaning some of this up would free a few thousand blocks. Who can write
to the CERN$ROOT areas? Nat? BTW, Somebody either linked or copied
PAWGKS to [TEMPLIB] in Feb/95. Fess up...