I have been looking at the STOP master data in conjunction with the
WFDs. What I would like to do is refine the windowing algorithm I am
using in the FARFALLA dsts to cut the time window of WFD data around
muons down to 2-3 microseconds. Now I am using 15 us. The main point
is that the different triggers all take a different amount of time to
form. So for example while the erp takes about 1 usec. The LIP takes
about 6 since it waits for ST data.
Here is what I know and have infered. Any one who can make a more
definitive table is certainly deserving of a free
gelato/burrito/mung bean popsicle/other fabulous item**.
Trigger Formation time(usec) jitter
ERP 1.0 0.1
LIP 6.5 0.1
SMT 6.0 1.0
CSPAM .1?? ??
FMT ??? ??
HIPT ??? ??
** value of food item must be less the $5.00 in real 1995 dollars.
Not valid in certain states.