Really nice job Chris. I have a few questions.
> Efficiency (%)
> SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6
> ERP 100.00 100.10 99.97 99.96 99.97 100.01
> LIP 100.10 100.10 100.10 100.00 100.00 100.00
> HIP 100.20 100.10 100.00 99.98 99.96 100.01
Oooh! Look I win! LIP kicks butt!!
> So a while ago, Chris W emailed me about events where the Stop
> Master only knows about a Tohm Trigger even though there are other
> triggers in the events. In run 11834 I found 4 such events, and I am
> confident that these are what are causing all of the missed triggers.
> If you are as interested by this as I am, you will want a little more
> info:
OK here is what I am a little curious about: The events I wrote about
had the TOHM causing the STOP, but had *no* TOHM trigger at all. So
you are saying that you saw events that had a TOHM trigger but one of
the SMs on the SPU was missing the TOHM is that right? If that is the
case I guess you have found another class of events. That sounds more
like a problem with the SPU then the STOP master. Would you also have
seen the events I described?
> Chris Orth
" " Walter