re: hybrid apprach ?

Chris Orth (
Sat, 8 Feb 1997 09:37:02 -0500 (EST)

Hi Erik,

I just wanted to point out a few things about your suggestions
for shortening the Stop Master time window.

> to record together with some catalysis arguments. Given that the WFD hardware
> *as is* now records *everything* up to ~100 microseconds we may trivially
> change the camac lists that control the wait time of the stop master so that
> to match it.

First, due to trigger delays in the tohm that can be up to
25usec, we would have to really set the delay to something like
75usec. There may be some parameter space where the ERP or CSPAM
would provide a prompt trigger but I am not sure where this would kick

My main concern, however, is that we shouldn't spoil our
current sensitivity; we are are definitely sensitive to monopoles
below 1x10^-4. This is our most conservative estimate based on square
wave test pulses. Our actual beta sensitivity can only be better.
For a time window of 75usec, the minimum beta to cross 4.5m of MACRO
would be 2x10^-4. Below this beta, we would be in danger of only
seeing one face hit for a significant part of our acceptance.

The WFD is the ONLY way to resolve monopoles at low beta. For
higher beta we still have usable data from the ERP and PHRASE.
(I of course agree that the WFD could do a better job here)

> The acceptance in this configuration may be further improved by increasing
> the WFD data byte limit (if I recall well though, Ed mentioned that this is
> already at its limit). Another thing that will help in this direction is

Yes. The theoretical limit for one WFD buffer is 64kB. This is the
most that can fit into one acquisition event buffer. Since there is
other data that goes into each event buffer as well (for both ID=1 AND
ID=2 records) 40kB is a "conservative" upper limit.

> to clock down the WFDs by some factor that will not harm our ability to
> distinguish s.p.e.'s. We can perform a type of Sophia's sensitivity
> measurement done back in Feb96 with some clocked down WFD channels and see

This kind of approach would impair other analyses though, particularly
Chris W's LIP search.

-Chris Orth.