This note tries to summarize a few issues we have been working on lately at
Gran Sasso. These issues are relevant to MACRO people
- taking shifts at Gran Sasso,
- in any analysis track,
- waiting for RARE (monopole) DSTs and/or
- wishing to grab some (slow) monopole data now!
It is not my intention to get into all the glory details for each of the above
items. I would only like to update you on where we are standing and provide the
pointers for those of you who wish to get more info and/or you'll find
yourself at Gran Sasso and want to make a contribution on any of the above.
Analysis/Monitoring Material
On this front, we have brought everything on the web. Look at MACRO Online
next time you are on shift or you seek material necessary for your analysis:
it's probably there. The "packaging" is not ideal, but it works. Impovements
will take place depending on need and use. Real time trigger histograms for
all scintillator systems is now available together with a plethora of
diagnostics files from the most recent MACRO RUN back to the 6-month running.
Access to scintillator and waveform digitizer databases is now available
through a single login on MACRO Online. Wherever required, you'll have to
login with username macro and the standard macro password.
Monopole Data
The RARE DSTs we've talked about many times in the past
( and
HAVE STARTED being mass produced for all US Institutions that sent tapes at
Gran Sasso; this includes Texas, Boston and Caltech. We are moving at an
approximate rate of one RARE DST every day. The production involves two steps:
- one that translates a VMS COPY of RAW DATA to a MACHINE INDEPENDENT
~12-24 hours and runs on the main VAXGS cluster, and
- one that makes multiple TAPE to TAPE copies of the reference ZEBRA
tape; this lasts ~2.5hours per tape.
Look for C. Orth's details and instructions at
You should expect to find reference ZEBRA RARE DSTs at Gran Sasso at all times.
For institutions that sent tapes at Gran Sasso the operation of providing
a complete RARE DST dataset is now carried out by our technicians and shipping
data to the US will start with the next outgoing shiftworker (end of July).
If you'd like to receive RARE DSTs and don't have DLTs at Gran Sasso we come
up with short term loans for you until you manage to send us tapes. Just let
us know now.
For those of you wishing to get a hold of some monopole data now, we've
put on the web the slow monopole final DSTs as they were derived from the
RARE DSTs imposing the (.non.Waveform) cuts I described at the Boston
meeting. These DSTs reflect more than 20 months of (most recent) MACRO
running (moreover they reflect more than 20 days of DLT DRIVE time...) and do
not exceed 800MB. This is the dataset where we run the waveform analysis
(i.e., the TOHM/LI simulation and wavelet filtering) I showed in Boston.
This dataset together with support material is available at
Finally, a more ambitious plan to create monopole RARE DSTs for MACRO running
prior to September 1996 (for which no DSTs are currently available) is about
to be launched. Depending on how fast this will go (currently about 1 tape
every 2 days but expected to improve), we plan to extend this to the most
recent running in order to upgrade the "base model" RARE DSTs to include single
face monopoles and ST ones. Certain cpu/IO problems are currently ironed out;
in any case, the reprocessing of the full MACRO data set is expected to be a
lengthy operation lasting several months but at the end we expect to have the
definitive MACRO DSTs ready. Let me mention that besides RARE DSTs, the
spinning of the full MACRO tapes also produces:
- wfd-stipped data set (can accomodate GC/muon analyses and ST monopoles)
- HTC/FMT waveform DSTs and
- Muon waveform DSTs from the neutrino analyses (event list provided by
I hope the material herein will answer some people's questions and will help
undestand the data scheduling from this point on. For any questions, comments
or suggestions, just drop me a line.