LIP problems on uVax1
Thu, 6 May 1999 11:21:31 +0200

Ciao a tutti,

starting from run 17481, LIP module on SM2 didn't work fine:
there were a lot of dead channels and a very low trigger rate.
Two weeks ago (22-Apr, Thursday), during maintenance day, we
tested this module and it seemed to be fine, so we decided to
leave it in its place. Instead, the problem continued during
the following week.
Wednesday, 28-Apr, thinking at some CAMAC crate misbehaviour,
we swapped this module with the one on SM1, but, in this manner,
we also moved the problem on SM1.
Finally, yesterday we replaced this module with a spare one and,
now, it seems to work properly.

To summarize:

- starting from run 17481 (20-Apr-99) up to run 17520 (28-Apr-99)
LIP problems on SM2;

- starting from run 17523 (28-Apr-99) up to run 17558 (05-May-99)
LIP problems on SM1;

- starting from run 17561 (05-May-99) everything seems to be fine.

A presto,
