Re: WFD problems on SM3 fixed

Subject: Re: WFD problems on SM3 fixed
From: Christopher Orth (
Date: Fri Sep 17 1999 - 11:15:27 EDT

Both of the systems you mention (the start signal generation and the stop
signal) are external to the tests performed with the WFD CLI last week by
Ioannis (and Roberto?). Normally when you use the CLI, the acquisition is
stopped and you use the buttons on the WFD Signal Fanouts, not the stop
and start signals that were fixed. Unless the WFD on SM3 was restarting
during the CLI tests and no-one noticed (the lights on the WFD would have
been all green), there was something else causing the digitization of
bogus data.

I still believe the problem could be now "fixed," but we should keep an
eye on it.


On Fri, 17 Sep 1999 wrote:

> Ciao a tutti,
> During last two weeks there were some problems regarding
> WFD data from SM3.
> Last Monday Ioannis and Roberto swapped the gate generator
> channel for the SM3 WFD start cable. On Wednesday Ioannis and
> I remade one of the LEMO connector on the stop cable. We also
> tested all the WFD channels on this Supermodule using a pulse
> generator and the command line interface. Everything looked fine.
> So, starting from run 18259 the WFD problems on SM3 should be
> fixed.
> A presto,
> Nicola

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