Subject: Brief weekend report
Date: Sun Sep 26 1999 - 11:00:42 EDT
Hi guys,
this is a brief weekend shift report:
The acquisition has been running pretty smoothly without crashing and I don't
have anything to say about electronics, apart for the gas system that went off
only once sunday morning (the italian shiftworker Lipari took care of it).
I only got some problem saturday morning because of the VAXGS/UNIX machines
which sometimes seemed to become very slow while I was logged in.
Highest uvax trigger rates (runs checked: 18309-18317) :
uvax3 Tohm trigger rates: ~118mHz
HIGH ERP-GC COUNTER RATES: 5W10 (115mHz), 6C04 (180mHz),6E06 (110mHz),
6S02 (250mHz)
HIGH ERP-MU COUNTER RATES : 3B07, 3B10,6B11, 6S02, 6S03
LIP : 1B14,1B16,6C09 = low;
2E10,3E04 = high
HOTTEST SMT COUNTERS : 3T12 (30mHz), 4T02 (20mHz),4T10 (~10mHz),5T02 (10mHz)
5T06 (10mHz),6E07 (25mHz), 6T02 (50mHz), 6T11 (10mHz)
CSPAM/HIPT: all normal
SPU : continue 1-2 LED/HV error bits per run on uVAX1
FMT : all events are OK (8 FMT events in 9 runs)
* 6S05 is still turned OFF
About WFD's
Run 18309: SM3 CH0 - two zero-compression-off events
Run 18316: SM3 CH22 - one zero-compression-off event
TOHM SM6@TOP is not giving fake hits anymore, so far.
NOtice that during run 18310 the counter 5B03-1 fired for few events but the
signal seems to be stable now.
A presto,
Massimo Orsini
This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Sun Sep 26 1999 - 11:00:45 EDT