Subject: Re: WFD STOPMASTER on uVAX1
From: Christopher Orth (
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 13:33:20 EST
Ciao Roberto et. al.,
It has been a while since I debugged a Stop Master but the problem
you described might be with one of the TTL-NIM converters (which are
really resistors, transistors, and diodes hand-soldered in a DIP package).
We've had mechanical probles with these in the past -- cracked diodes and
poorly soldered transistors.
I'm a little suprised that the WFD was Stoppin on the poor signal.
You haven't been seeing VME errors too?
> The actual problem concern with the output from this STPM module on SM2.
> Testing this output you can see -300 mV instead of about -1 V.
> We decided to use another output but the signal provided was
> 'slight different' .
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