Date: Thu May 18 2000 - 07:04:30 EDT
This is the state of PHRASE spare POWER SUPPLY:
5 fixed Power supply will arrive soon from ELEXIND.
They are 3 linear and 2 switching.
GOOD: (they can be used without problems)
LINEAR Ser. # 1118 situated back to the PISA'S house.
SWITCHING Ser. # 336266 situated back to the PISA'S house.
Quite good: (it has a broblem with the DISPLAY but it can be used if necessary)
LINEAR Ser. # 1109
To test:
SWITCHING Ser. # 336271
LINEAR no ser. # Probably broken transformer!!
It has Burned.
Definitively broken: (Used for spare components etc...)
LINEAR Ser. # 1164 Broken transformer.
LINEAR No Ser. # Broken transformer and other problems...
SWITCHING No Ser. # VERY BAD conditions.
SWITCHING No Ser. # VERY BAD conditions.
Ciao, Roberto.
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