Kinetic 1502 power supply fixed!

Subject: Kinetic 1502 power supply fixed!
Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 10:52:03 EDT

   Ciao a tutti,

    I have just fixed the Kinetic 1502 power supply that I removed
    from M:2,B:2,C:7.
    At first, I had to replace the 15A, 250V fuse that was blown (this
    suggests another power glitch!). Then, when I tried to turn on it,
    -12V went in protection mode. After changing the corresp. 2N6050
    pass transistor (it was broken - 12 Ohm between emitter and collector)
    it started to work. I also tested it with 3A and 4A load and everything
    was fine.

   A presto,


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