Subject: PHRASE power supply broken on SM1 crate 1
Date: Thu Nov 09 2000 - 09:15:39 EST
Hi all,
Tonight a switching power supply broken on PHRASE (SM1 crate 1).
This failure happened during run 20105.
Ioannis from remote excluded all PHRASE uVAXs, then this morning I started a
run with uVAX1,2,3 and SM3456 PISA.
I excluded SM12 from PISA because I had to find a proper supply for that crate.
Here is a list of operation made this morning.
08:00 Run 20105 is stalled - too many uVAX#5 system error, machine check
stopped the run
08:10 Run 20106 started, uVAX#1,2,3 only (no PHRASE)
08:23 Run 20105 stopped because of wrong uVAX#1 CAMAC list (too many
No-Qs from M:1,B:2,NC;4,N;22)
08:25 Run 20107 started, uVAX#1,2,3 only, GUT20_NOSM12STOPM.LIS1
09:50 run 20107 stopped to replace PHRASE power supply (SM1 CRATE1)
10:05 run 20108 stopped immediately (I mede a mistake while setting camac list)
10:10 run 20109 started W/O SM1,2 PRASE
12:15 run 20109 stopped to restart FULL MACRO
12:20 run 20110 started FULL MACRO
Ciao, Roberto.
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