Subject: ERP recalibrations - LED TDC slopes
Date: Fri Nov 24 2000 - 12:29:00 EST
Ciao a tutti,
we are using the LED_RUNxxxxx.kumac for week-by-week TDC slopes in the
recalibrations starting with ref. run 16381 (09-SEP-98 - final LED/TDC
hardware-software configuration).
To do this, we pull out the TDC slopes form WORK_DB for ref. run immediately
before the week we're processing and for uVax(es) at that time calibrated
with LED/TDC calibration.
Then we insert those slopes at the beginning of the corresponding
LED_RUNxxxxx.kumac produced at that time for the week to process and run
this .kumac to DB_B.
Then we launch the muon code.
This just to remember..
A presto,
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