This page contains some information for the Super-K event display "superscan". It is based on the Hv graphical user interface library developed by David Heddle at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (formerly known as CEBAF). Hv is an ANSI C graphics library that protects the programmer against the guts of raw Xlib/Motif programming. Along with this package comes many features for free such as: postscript hardcopy, display drawing in World coordinates (floating point, not pixels),x-y graphs, drawing tools to annotate a display, and Motif features such as dialogue boxes and menus.The main goal of this program was to make attractive hardcopy in postscript, suitable for talks or inclusion in papers or theses. A secondary goal was to have menus, buttons, and other controls so that one could operate the display without needing to know numerous keyboard sequences. A tertiary goal was to provide a programmers interface so that any user can hook up their own cuts and histograms without changing the display code. This is implemented now, but needs testing.
If you would like to run superscan on suketto, just execute this:
Things to try:
You can load a file automatically using the -f option. Or, you can use the Open command under the File menu.
The six icons on the top are used to annotate the display. The rightmost icons control the color of lines and fills. Any object you draw can be edited further by double-clicking on it.
If you are going through a file looking for a good event to print, there are many useful commands under the Event menu. You can GoTo an event, Require Fiducial cuts, etc.
Making a hardcopy comes under the Action menu, with the Print Screen command. This opens up a dialogue box: generally, you should click on landscape and leave contents only selected (this prints just the event, not the event display controls).
Compiling and building your own version:The version of the Hv library used to build superscan has a few small modifications that are not yet built into the CEBAF release. So if you want to build an executable of superscan at your home institution, please take Hv.tar from /home/atmpd/Hv/ on suketto. Untar it at your home institution (tar xvf Hv.tar) and edit to change HV_ROOT to the appropriate location. Then, source to setup development variables.
Please take superscan source from the repository (cvs get superscan).
As mentioned above, there are many hooks for user specific code. You can try this out by editing ss_user.c and maybe ss_userdraw.c.
Most of the features in the code are for the ATMPD analysis. But specific hooks were left available for upmu and solar analyses. These could become permanent features, as opposed to user-specific. See ss_solar.c and ss_upmu.c.
Superscan was originally called hvscan, the first version was written by Ed Kearns (hvscan is now obsolete). The latest incarnation has had considerable further contributions from the B.U. group: Mark Messier, Alec Habig, Matt Earl, Kate Scholberg, and Chris Walter. And of course, it relies on much of the existing superk libraries. Any of us would be happy to help you use it or install it. We have a list of improvements in mind, but would also welcome any feedback and suggestions. Send mail to: