Table of Contents:
A. Generating Nuance vectors
B. Copy vector file to suketto
C. Simulating the events (using skdetsim)
D. PC reduction
E. FC reduction
F. Recontruction
G. Creating ntuples
H. General little hints
A. Generating
Nuance vectors
First you have to download the nuance code at:
The procedure to download is fairly well explained on the website, so I
won't comment on it.
(Once you have your directories set up, it is a good idea to copy the
directory /Nuance/v2/data into /Nuance/v2/mydata so that if you erase
something by mistake you don't have to redownload the whole thing)
There is a good README file in:
In /data you have 4 kind of files:
.fzc files are the results of the rate computations
.kin files are the vector files you will use as input in skdetsim
.cards files are the cards to run nuance (easy !)
There is two kind of run:
- generating the rates
generating the vectors
.flux files are the files which contains the info for the solar fluxes.
.hbook files are optionally created (see .cards) files.
First you need to generate the rate (= create .fzc files) to do that
you can use the card containing the word 'rate'.
for example:
it is pretty easy to modify those cards to do what you want (see README
a typical command line will be:
(NB you don't have to use the card you can also use flags as shown
Generating the rate takes about 8 hours on neutrino, using one CPU at
Then you have to generate the vector files:
(It is recommanded to put no more than 1 year of event in a file
because the files get pretty big at the simulation steps and after.)
Here you have to use the card containing the word 'event', for example:
again, it is pretty easy to modifiy those cards to get the right solar
fluxes, number of events, to use the right rate.fzc files, etc.
a typical command will be
But if you want to create 60yrs of MC split into 60 1-yr files it is
useful to use a script shell such as
(and a copy here:/work/fdufour/documentation/MC-generation)
This script put the vectors in the directory nuance_vector that you
must have created before.
It is good hygiene to change the name of this directory (once you
generated the vectors) to a name containing more info, like the flux
you used etc..
for example: nu_honda3d_avg.
In this script you can see that I have used command like
../Linux-i686/nuanceMc.exe -k test.kin -r 976356
where I use a card for everything which is common to every file and a
flag for what is not common.
Once everything is done, it is good to verify that the number of events
in each files is ok. (about 10'000 event per year)
you can grep on begin, like so:
grep -ic begin file.kin
Copy vector file to suketto
(NB for 100yr of MC you will need about 500GB at the end of the
reconstruction so it is useful to have that space available on suketto
when you start.)
to copy the vector files go on suketto and do
scp -r
Here as well check that everything was copied properly using
grep -ic begin file.kin
and compare with what you had a neutrino.
C. Simulating the events (using skdetsim)
First you need to get skdetsim for the repository:
cvs checkout skdetsim
will give you the latest version of skdetsim. Make sure this is really
the version you want to use. You can check the "history" of some files
cvs log name.F
Once you have skdetsim, you need to compile it, and for that you need
to have your environement variables set correctly.
To do that you can use the command:
source /home/atmpd/skrep/##/SOURCEME
where ## it the version you want (for example 05a)
if you are using skdetsim a lot is is useful to add this line in your
.tcshrc file.
Then to compile you do (and need to be on a sukap machine):
gmake clean (for hygiene)
gmake skdetsim
sometimes you might still miss a library or a another .o file, this is
because your environnement setting might be wrong.
Try to do a:
setenv PRIVATE_ROOT your_directory
this might solve the problem.
To run skdetsim on the condor system:
- don't forget to log on a sukap machine
- create a condor file.
here is an example of condor file:
In the condor file you will specify:
- which card file to use (CARDFILE = sk2_odtune.card)
- where are the input vector (VECTORDIR =
- where the ouptput should go (OUTPUTDIR =
- where the binary is (WORKDIR = /net/sukatmd1/work24/fdufour/skdetsim)
(Before running the condor job, go into you output directory and create
a directory logs, as you can see in .condor, you need it.)
Once everything is setup, you can start the condor job using:
condor_submit skdetsim_example.condor
One year needs about 3 days on one CPU to be processed, so using condor
and 60 CPU for 60 yrs, 3 days is usually enough.
you can check the status of all condor CPU using:
- condor_status
you can check status of you
CPU using
- condor_q
you can kill you jobs doing
- condor_rm id# or username
- in sk2_odtune.card:
make sure that the number of event generated is bigger than the number
you have in your vector files (the default number is 5000 and it is not
C number of generated event
Once all files are simulated, it is good to count the number of events
and compare with the vector files: it should be the same.
There should be around 10000 event per year.
To count number of event you can use
the program evt_stat that Wei created, there is a copy in:
NB (I have not tried to compile those program on neutrino, but they
work on suketto. If you want directly the binaries, you can get them
PC reduction
First get PC-reduction code from repository (make sure it is the latest
version... ) (In my case I used Mitsuka-san binary... so if the
repository is not up to date, aks him, where are the right binaries )
In your work directory, you have to create MANUALLY the following
In the "log" directory you have to create the following directories:
event flag hbk
logs muesel run sub
In muesel do a
touch muesel.log
Now you can start running pc1-4 by doing a:
./ 1 60 > & pc1_4-1_1-60.out &
(In my case it was ./ 1 60 > &
pc1_4-60.out &)
I didn't use CONDOR for this part because it takes only 1 day to run 60
(One year takes about 40 min to run)
Here is to give you an idea of the size of a file after PC4
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 31343760 Jul 7 05:06
And after PC4 each year contains about 500 events.
PC5 is a two steps process. This might have changed, check with the PC
reduction expert first.
You can see the two shell scripts that I used in
As for pc1-4, you have to create manually a directory pat5th and some
appropriate log directory.
Then using a condor script like 60yrs_pc5.condor you can start by
the move the output directory:
mv pat5th pat5th_a
recreate a empty directory pat5th
and run by changing 60yrs_pc5.condor accordingly.
PC5 takes about 25 hours to run for 1 year, but I saw some years take
up to 48 hours.
Here is the typical size of a file and the end of pc5:
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 75433680 Jul 15 04:00
E. FC reduction
When I generated FC, the repository was not up to date, so I had to use
Okumura-san binaries and help.
It is probably wise to ask him where is the latest binary and related
In my case, I had to copy:
: binary file for reduction
: shell file to run fccomb_sk2
: shell file for all
reduction procedure
fc4_data_reject.dat : flasher
data for FC4 reduction program
to learn flasher charge pattern
from his directory.
Here is a copy of his explanation about FC reduction:
when you apply this reduction, all reduction from FC1 to FC5 will be
applied at once.
but FC reduction is a little complicated because FC4, so called flasher
scan, is needed to learn charge pattern of flaher events in advance and
match event charge pattern for all the pair among input events. so you
have to reject events after reduction program has finished. when this
reduction finished, two reduction log files, named as "fccomb.log" and
"fcscan-cut.evt" will be appeared.
events which should be rejected are written in these logfiles.
but you do not have to worry about this. these all reduction procedure
are written in "". I think it will work with small changes,
such as changing filename configuration, "infiles", "output", "hbook",
please copy these files into your directory and try to work
So you have to change to fit your directories settings.
(Pretty obvious what to do.)
One year takes about 1 day to run, so here it is worth to use CONDOR to
run 60 yrs in parallel.
You can see an example of my condor script in:
You must create MANUALLY a "log" directory in the same place where your
running, so that the condor log file can be written.
When the program runs, it creates one directory per year, and don't be
if the .dat file doesn't appear right away, it is created only at the
Here is the structure for a one year directory look like:
/net/sukatmd1/work24/fdufour/reduction/fc1-5/26@sukap05[47]_% ls -l
total 496482
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 247030560 Jul 7 08:21
lrwxrwxrwx 1 fdufour
sk 22
Jul 6 23:05 fc4_data_reject.dat -> ../fc4_data_reject.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 5943296 Jul 7 08:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 455312 Jul 7 08:20
lrwxrwxrwx 1 fdufour
sk 16
Jul 6 23:05 -> ../
lrwxrwxrwx 1 fdufour
sk 13
Jul 6 23:05 fccomb_sk2 -> ../fccomb_sk2
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 44519 Jul 7
08:20 fscan-cut.evt
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 552
Jul 7 08:20 fscan-nu.evt
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 155302 Jul 7 08:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 184800 Jul 7 08:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 184096 Jul 7 08:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 736
Jul 7 08:20 tmp2.txt
Also be carful that the log file from condor are pretty significant in
-rw-r--r-- 1 fdufour
sk 14649848 Jul 7 08:21 26.log
At the end of the FC reduction on year contains about 4500 event.
The main thing about the reconstruction is that it is long to run. 500
events take about a day. So be careful to plan ahead!
You might want to cut your 1 year file into 1000 events chunk to avoid
having too long jobs.
To do that you can use a DASH kumac. You can find an example of such a
kumac in:
First do a 'cvs get aplib' to get the reconstuction code from the
apfit_sample.F is the main program calling everything else.
Inside apfit_sample.F there is a 'call apfit(##)' where ## is a number
corresponding to a flag in apfit.F. You can look in apfit.F to know
which flag you need. For example 0 = FC and 15360 = PC
You will need to create different executables for FC and for PC.
One good way to do is is to compile the code with one flag, say (0) for
gmake all
gmake apfit_sample
then do
mv solaris_sparc/apfit_sample solaris_sparc/apfit_fc
Then change the flag for PC.
Do a "rm solaris_sparc/apfit_sample.o" and "rm solaris_sparc/apfit.o"
(If you want to be sure, doing "gmake clean" is the safest.)
Recompile and do
mv solaris_sparc/apfit_sample solaris_sparc/apfit_pc
(NB make sure that you environnement setting are ok, by doing setenv
PRIVATE_ROOT your_local_direcotry/aplib, otherwise you might have some
permission problems)
Then there is a whole bunch of shell scripts that you have to use. The
reason for so many shell scripts is that we have to be careful to the
size of the files we are working with.
All those shell scripts are available in
/work/fdufour/documentation/MC-generation as examples.
Let's summarize what is done (taking FC for example):
- is the shell which calls the executable
- calls
the goal of this shell is to send the ouptut first to the work directory
on the sukap machine and bring everything back where you want it only
at the
- 60yrs_fc.condor calls
passing the input file and ouput file names.
With this script you can choose how many files you want to deal with at
60 files is a good number.
Once the reconstruction is done, you need to merge each of the split files
back into on file.
For that you can use the following program 'merge.F' (one copy is in
/work/fdufour/documentation/MC-generation (on neutrino) and one copy is in
/home/fdufour/zbs-tools/merge.F on suketto. like for evt-stat, the
are know to compile and works only on suketto)
You'll need to adapt for your own files, but by now it should be
a piece of cake!
This program merge 5 files into 1, but the code in merge.F is quite
stupid (aka easy to modifiy for more/less files).
One your done merging your files, it is a good idea to compare the number
of event (using evt-stat as usual for zbs files) with the results you had
at the end of the reduction
G. Creating ntuples
You need to get the code from
CVS checkout official_ntuple
WARNING the README file is NOT up to date!!!
... but the code is quite easy to use.
Compile doing:
gmake clean (we never know)
gmake install
gmake fillnt
then do cp (to keep a backup of the
Edit and change %%BINDIR%% to the directory where
the exectuable is. and %%PACKAGE_ROOT%% to your package_root directory.
(you can check your package_root by doing 'printenv').
Then the command line to run fillnt is:
./ -o output.hbk input.dat
5000 evt take about 20 min to run so there no need for condor.
You can find an example of script file in:
H. General Little Hints
- to run a condor job: make sure your are on a sukap machine!
- when creating a new script (.sh file): don't forget to do
chmod a+x