found the problem

Kate Scholberg (
Sun, 2 Jul 1995 14:21:26 +0200 (DFT)

Hi folks,

OK, I think I found the problem which caused that flurry of bursts.
I'm sorry -- it was my fault entirely. When we got a bunch of bursts
a couple of weeks ago, and I was suspecting that it was somehow
related to the waveforms being added (which was a red herring I now
think -- it probably had more to with me fiddling with LUTs), I turned
down the probability threshold to 1e-6. Last week, noticing that we
hadn't got any alarms for a while, I remembered that I'd lowered the
prob. threshold and I went to put back the old probability threshold,
which was 3e-6 or or 5e-6 something like that -- but by mistake I put
the wrong PROB_THRESH.DAT file (which contains the current probability
threshold) as default in the monitor directory. So for a couple of
days we were running at too high a Poisson prob. threshold (9e-5 in
fact). This is why we got those extra bursts. I have fixed this now
-- I put back 1e-6. Since we seem to get almost no alarms with this
low a probability threshold, I'll inch up the threshold over the next
couple of days (I can't find the file with the prob. thresh that was
giving us ~1 alarm/10 days; I think it was 3e-6 though. Before
changing the threshold I'll check the rate of alarms with some disk

Humblest apologies for the trouble,
