Another burst

Alec Habig (
Mon, 28 Aug 1995 09:32:12 -0500 (EST)

Another one-over threshold burst. I wonder what conditions have changed over
there? Or is it entirely a side effect of Kate going on vacation? (BTW -
Doug, is the beeper working or what??)

One of the hits is a muon level one. Perhaps the Bari Box got unplugged
somehow? (Erik, could you check the connections on that please?)

Run Number 10787
Event Number 10205
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 2 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 30
Number passing all cuts: 6
SM combination number: 63
Supermodules present for burst search:
SM 1: Y SM 2: Y SM 3: Y SM 4: Y SM 5: Y SM 6: Y
Background rate: 0.1203150
Multiplicity threshold: 5
Poisson probability: 2.1196392E-07 7

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 17537.5752
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2449957.680037473
UT time of first hit in burst: 28-08-1995 05:19:15.2376402

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position
1 582 55 0.0000 13.35 -467.71
2 12 374 0.0064 10.56 414.61
12 187 470 0.3835 48.52 -112.30
23 468 584 1.2949 18.14 33.67
25 188 439 1.3122 13.22 -509.25
30 730 210 1.6560 20.96 -478.54


All hits during the time window of the burst:

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 582 55 0.0000 13.35 -467.71 0
2 12 374 0.0064 10.56 414.61 0
3 13 373 0.0763 5.38 -12.10 2 *
4 583 98 0.1126 44.03 -400.05 1 *
5 725 298 0.1130 6.29 1093.62 1 *
6 726 257 0.1130 37.28 546.93 0 *
7 14 398 0.1130 50.55 -780.41 1 *
8 438 108 0.1139 61.55 344.79 0 *
9 439 130 0.1139 66.79 461.88 0 *
10 440 198 0.1139 7.78 1310.65 1 *
11 584 61 0.1676 5.81 222.74 0 *
12 187 470 0.3835 48.52 -112.30 0
13 441 176 0.4579 5.74 231.74 2 *
14 727 242 0.4882 5.85 50.68 2 *
15 15 306 0.5077 43.96 -1555.20 2 *
16 16 343 0.7039 8.15 693.60 2 *
17 467 566 0.8153 35.67 -485.16 2 *
18 585 8 0.9343 7.61 -511.27 2 *
19 442 156 0.9719 4.89 49.67 2 *
20 586 58 1.0839 39.95 -283.37 2 *
21 587 54 1.1647 73.90 155.73 2 *
22 728 273 1.2594 3.51 11.72 0 *
23 468 584 1.2949 18.14 33.67 0
24 588 56 1.3013 4.78 -1067.21 2 *
25 188 439 1.3122 13.22 -509.25 0
26 729 221 1.4405 6.10 74.66 0 *
27 189 457 1.4937 5.48 -207.03 2 *
28 589 33 1.5003 5.37 1550.90 2 *
29 443 106 1.5698 4.70 349.18 2 *
30 730 210 1.6560 20.96 -478.54 0

	    Alec Habig, Indiana University High Energy Astrophysics
	    Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns.