Re: Another burst

Kate Scholberg (
Mon, 28 Aug 1995 16:04:42 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,

> Another one-over threshold burst. I wonder what conditions have changed over
> there? Or is it entirely a side effect of Kate going on vacation? (BTW -
> Doug, is the beeper working or what??)

Well, I'm back, and I got the beeper back from Doug. I'm afraid he
missed 2 out of 3 beeps, due to leaving the beeper in his car or
wherever. I guess I'll give it to someone else next time... (sorry
Doug, but it's true).

I'm not sure why we've suddenly had a bunch of alarms after such a
long quiet period. I haven't changed any of the monitor parameters
recently. There was a LUT iteration last Wednesday which might
possibly have increased rates. I'll be looking at some more data
tonight (for the next iteration Wednesday) and I'll check this out.

I'll also be updating the calib constants on VXMACB soon. Right now the
monitor's using run 10429 constants, which is a little behind
the current Indiana constant generation. (BTW, the current monitor
calibration constant run is given in [MICHPUB.ERP.ERPGC]CALRUN.DAT)

> One of the hits is a muon level one. Perhaps the Bari Box got unplugged
> somehow? (Erik, could you check the connections on that please?)

I checked the current run with the histogram presenter, and the plots
show that the Bari box is functioning on all SM's. However, despite
the Bari box, there will occasionally be muons slipping into the
monitor's data stream, due to corner clippers, hit plane
configurations not satisfying the Bari requirement, ST inefficiencies,
etc. -- that's probably what the muon level hits included in these
bursts are (this is supported by Rich's post run analysis).
