last burst

Kate Scholberg (
Tue, 3 Oct 1995 20:59:34 -0700 (PDT)

That last burst: 1 over threshold in 3 out of 6 supermodules,
nothing particularly interesting about the energy/time structure,
Probably a fluctuation.


Run Number 11033
Event Number 2278
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 1 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 14
Number passing all cuts: 5
SM combination number: 44
Supermodules present for burst search:
SM 1: N SM 2: N SM 3: Y SM 4: Y SM 5: N SM 6: Y
Background rate: 6.1754882E-02
Multiplicity threshold: 4
Poisson probability: 7.0364758E-09 8

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 3650.4396
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2449994.649672477
UT time of first hit in burst: 04-10-1995 03:35:31.7020263

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 377 560 0.0000 13.58 366.80 8
5 694 368 0.2545 10.83 209.86 0
9 381 570 0.3591 16.45 47.78 0
13 409 211 0.7442 12.40 543.95 0
14 410 214 0.7540 10.25 -513.08 8


All hits during the time window of the burst:

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 377 560 0.0000 13.58 366.80 8
2 378 508 0.0986 4.10 371.68 8 *
3 407 209 0.1139 4.66 -293.90 0 *
4 379 557 0.1909 0.00 0.00 24 *
5 694 368 0.2545 10.83 209.86 0
6 408 245 0.2900 0.00 0.00 24 *
7 695 327 0.3357 0.00 610.42 136 *
8 380 512 0.3540 4.66 526.60 8 *
9 381 570 0.3591 16.45 47.78 0
10 696 357 0.4261 0.00 -169.78 264 *
11 382 569 0.5789 9.45 377.09 8 *
12 697 335 0.6299 0.00 -1057.87 128 *
13 409 211 0.7442 12.40 543.95 0
14 410 214 0.7540 10.25 -513.08 8