Run Number 11541
Event Number 13743
Number of bursts found 2
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 6 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 18
Number of hits passing all cuts: 5
Background rate: 7.2561768E-03
Multiplicity threshold: 4
Poisson probability: 1.2479754E-09 9
ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 21881.8127
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450089.686399780
UT time of first hit in burst: 07-01-1996 04:28:24.9409601
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 59 329 0.0000 10.64 -284.77 0
6 64 358 0.8597 10.87 12.77 0
7 65 322 0.8664 13.00 -532.76 0
17 75 320 2.6094 45.07 -487.49 0
18 76 339 2.9955 13.51 -549.39 8
All hits during the time window of the burst:
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 59 329 0.0000 10.64 -284.77 0
2 60 311 0.0049 0.00 -106.50 256 *
3 61 335 0.0747 0.00 606.54 136 *
4 62 339 0.2807 0.00 -22.42 264 *
5 63 337 0.8505 0.00 -636.12 136 *
6 64 358 0.8597 10.87 12.77 0
7 65 322 0.8664 13.00 -532.76 0
8 66 308 0.8681 0.00 -907.94 128 *
9 67 380 0.9105 0.00 -564.07 136 *
10 68 335 1.0703 0.00 706.57 136 *
11 69 360 1.1871 0.00 334.49 264 *
12 70 322 1.3617 0.00 677.55 136 *
13 71 375 1.8146 5.17 330.70 0 *
14 72 383 1.8233 0.00 482.04 264 *
15 73 331 2.0495 4.97 498.38 0 *
16 74 357 2.1224 5.33 -464.94 8 *
17 75 320 2.6094 45.07 -487.49 0
18 76 339 2.9955 13.51 -549.39 8
Burst Number: 2
Time Window: 8 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 18
Number of hits passing all cuts: 5
Background rate: 7.2561768E-03
Multiplicity threshold: 4
Poisson probability: 5.1831965E-09 8
ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 21881.8127
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450089.686399780
UT time of first hit in burst: 07-01-1996 04:28:24.9409601
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 59 329 0.0000 10.64 -284.77 0
6 64 358 0.8597 10.87 12.77 0
7 65 322 0.8664 13.00 -532.76 0
17 75 320 2.6094 45.07 -487.49 0
18 76 339 2.9955 13.51 -549.39 8
All hits during the time window of the burst:
Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 59 329 0.0000 10.64 -284.77 0
2 60 311 0.0049 0.00 -106.50 256 *
3 61 335 0.0747 0.00 606.54 136 *
4 62 339 0.2807 0.00 -22.42 264 *
5 63 337 0.8505 0.00 -636.12 136 *
6 64 358 0.8597 10.87 12.77 0
7 65 322 0.8664 13.00 -532.76 0
8 66 308 0.8681 0.00 -907.94 128 *
9 67 380 0.9105 0.00 -564.07 136 *
10 68 335 1.0703 0.00 706.57 136 *
11 69 360 1.1871 0.00 334.49 264 *
12 70 322 1.3617 0.00 677.55 136 *
13 71 375 1.8146 5.17 330.70 0 *
14 72 383 1.8233 0.00 482.04 264 *
15 73 331 2.0495 4.97 498.38 0 *
16 74 357 2.1224 5.33 -464.94 8 *
17 75 320 2.6094 45.07 -487.49 0
18 76 339 2.9955 13.51 -549.39 8