This morning's burst alerts raise a couple of red flags that need
First, 5 of the 7 hits are from the top face of SM6, indicating a
possible HV fluctuation. I just checked the SM6 HV and saw no errors, but
there is still the possibility that a single flaky HV card is responsible
for this burst. Hopefully someone at GS can take a look at the two cards
supplying HV to 6T.
Second, boxes 44 (1E05) and 55 (1T02) appear yet again. These two boxes
are the worst offenders in the chronic bad energy reconstruction list. The
rate of hits reconstructed above 14 MeV using the IU constatnts for 1T02 is
the same as the rate above 7 MeV in the rest of the top face. My rate
check doesn't even work on 1E05 when I use the IU constants because more
than 90% of all hits reconstruct with |ADCZ| > 300. Note that 6T07 is also
a high rate tank. (See complete list below.)
Note to Jim/Alice/Alec: I explained my rate checking to Alec at the last
video conference and told him I would supply the following list of tanks
that have abnormally high energy reconstruction. The energies listed are
where the rate of "core" hits (|ADCZ|<300) reaches a rate threshold.
Average energies by plane are: Bottom 6.0 MeV, Center 4.8 MeV,
Top 7.2 MeV, Lower Vertical 5.0 MeV, Attico Vertical 4.6 MeV.
Box Energy
1T02 14.16
2T12 10.24
3B03 12.09
3B07 12.57
3B10 13.13
3B12 10.30
4E05 11.71
6T07 11.94
> Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
> 1 490 55 0.0000 12.03 35.83 8
> 2 374 561 0.0806 65.37 228.23 0
> 8 376 554 0.5320 10.36 -495.85 8
> 20 377 569 2.0007 11.02 -183.98 8
> 52 513 44 5.5711 43.00 551.98 8
> 53 382 559 5.5808 17.00 -96.99 0
> 80 399 560 7.7116 10.61 -14.01 8