Re: Burst of ERP GC events found (fwd)

Kate Scholberg (
Thu, 2 May 1996 09:23:18 -0700 (PDT)

> Alec Habig writes :
> > I had thought that the spark catcher vetoed bursts with 1/2 or more hits from
> > the same box? Maybe there's a .gt. where we need a .ge. in the code. I'll
> > check.
> In fact, this is the case.
> I just changed the check in funny_business.for and funny_business_combined.for,
> and ran a make install from [michpub.erp.erpgc.src]
> It's been a while since I fooled with the monitor code - Kate, please holler if
> the code management has changed since and I just did something horrible :)

Yeah, that should work fine, although the new executable won't run until
the currently running one gets killed. Thanks.

Thanks for posting the burst info: I got the beep some time early this
morning and put off posting in favor of more sleep... (Dan, did you
get this one?)

Also, here is the file for the alarm that happened during the piano
recital at Cape May:
(same box hot at 10 MeV due to calibration problem).


Run Number 12103
Event Number 8710
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 6 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 74
Number passing all cuts: 6
SM combination number: 54
Supermodules present for burst search:
SM 1: N SM 2: Y SM 3: Y SM 4: N SM 5: Y SM 6: Y
Background rate: 4.0932912E-02
Multiplicity threshold: 5
Poisson probability: 2.3842367E-07 7

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 16427.6450
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450198.452792344
UT time of first hit in burst: 24-04-1996 22:52:01.2585294

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 421 270 0.0000 42.11 407.98 0
22 429 203 1.3235 11.79 -306.02 8
37 434 269 2.1686 10.02 341.67 8
40 23 569 2.7490 62.83 484.59 0
64 443 203 4.6396 11.84 159.87 0
74 448 203 5.6195 12.98 -224.76 0


All hits during the time window of the burst:

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 421 270 0.0000 42.11 407.98 0
2 702 167 0.0120 10.05 495.75 8 *
3 21 505 0.0142 0.00 -510.50 264 *
4 703 161 0.0584 0.00 -1593.15 136 *
5 284 480 0.0682 0.00 647.83 136 *
6 422 254 0.3702 5.56 216.64 8 *
7 423 298 0.5314 0.00 0.00 25 *
8 424 277 0.5314 50.04 127.77 0 *
9 425 264 0.5314 55.45 -520.06 0 *
10 426 268 0.5314 12.66 -210.20 0 *
11 704 198 0.5321 0.00 0.00 1 *
12 705 174 0.6188 0.00 645.94 136 *
13 285 424 0.7552 0.00 -402.75 264 *
14 427 206 0.9439 0.00 646.77 136 *
15 428 277 1.0100 0.00 -606.71 136 *
16 706 143 1.0241 0.00 -641.72 128 *
17 286 469 1.0552 0.00 -556.06 264 *
18 707 145 1.0691 0.00 0.00 24 *
19 287 437 1.0976 0.00 1633.16 128 *
20 708 141 1.2092 3.39 103.09 8 *
21 709 160 1.2959 0.00 1510.67 136 *
22 429 203 1.3235 11.79 -306.02 8
23 288 433 1.4335 0.00 -800.37 136 *
24 710 121 1.5955 0.00 -432.18 264 *
25 289 467 1.6444 0.00 523.44 256 *
26 290 466 1.6711 0.00 358.92 264 *
27 430 203 1.7653 0.00 -558.83 264 *
28 711 180 1.7826 3.98 -334.08 8 *
29 431 298 1.9105 0.00 0.00 1 *
30 22 598 1.9111 0.00 0.00 1 *
31 291 498 1.9113 0.00 0.00 1 *
32 432 201 1.9154 0.00 118.82 256 *
33 433 202 1.9154 0.00 137.05 256 *
34 712 132 1.9162 24.74 546.40 0 *
35 713 198 1.9162 0.00 0.00 25 *
36 292 459 1.9524 6.58 11.29 0 *
37 434 269 2.1686 10.02 341.67 8
38 293 405 2.6854 0.00 158.16 256 *
39 435 264 2.6952 0.00 -1501.12 136 *
40 23 569 2.7490 62.83 484.59 0
41 714 103 2.8201 0.00 -223.05 264 *
42 436 298 2.9991 0.00 0.00 1 *
43 715 198 2.9998 0.00 0.00 1 *
44 437 284 3.0651 6.26 308.66 0 *
45 438 226 3.1712 5.62 286.15 0 *
46 294 438 3.5070 0.00 184.97 256 *
47 716 173 3.5879 0.00 1804.66 136 *
48 717 171 3.5948 0.00 1788.12 128 *
49 295 471 3.7669 2.75 410.48 8 *
50 439 298 3.7719 0.00 0.00 1 *
51 24 598 3.7725 0.00 0.00 1 *
52 296 498 3.7727 0.00 0.00 25 *
53 297 456 3.7727 0.00 -296.42 256 *
54 718 140 3.8281 0.00 -97.55 264 *
55 25 554 3.8467 0.00 622.89 136 *
56 719 101 3.8843 0.00 788.46 136 *
57 720 169 4.0445 0.00 1875.31 136 *
58 440 273 4.1045 0.00 595.81 136 *
59 441 258 4.1763 0.00 1453.35 136 *
60 442 270 4.2108 0.00 312.19 264 *
61 26 567 4.3274 0.00 1440.69 136 *
62 721 132 4.4690 0.00 284.91 264 *
63 27 528 4.6313 5.73 -8.51 8 *
64 443 203 4.6396 11.84 159.87 0
65 298 471 4.7430 3.02 -202.59 8 *
66 299 416 5.0015 6.44 493.72 0 *
67 722 158 5.0759 0.00 -648.60 136 *
68 300 412 5.2767 6.18 224.58 8 *
69 444 213 5.4997 0.00 -88.19 256 *
70 445 230 5.4997 57.15 407.37 0 *
71 446 298 5.4997 0.00 0.00 25 *
72 447 280 5.4997 60.14 464.55 0 *
73 723 198 5.5004 0.00 0.00 1 *
74 448 203 5.6195 12.98 -224.76 0