run 12219 burst

Kate Scholberg (
Sat, 18 May 1996 21:04:53 -0700 (PDT)

Hello all,

This one is highly non-uniform: HV card problem?



Run Number 12219
Event Number 1142
Number of bursts found 1
Burst Number: 1
Time Window: 8 seconds
Total number of hits in the time interval: 25
Number of hits passing all cuts: 6
Background rate: 2.8678793E-02
Multiplicity threshold: 5
Poisson probability: 1.6103938E-07 7

ERP clock time (UT-corrected) of first hit in burst: 2173.9689
Julian Day of first hit in burst: 2450222.661114717
UT time of first hit in burst: 19-05-1996 03:52:00.3115504

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type
1 111 56 0.0000 41.46 142.48 0
2 112 55 0.1510 78.03 -271.97 0
4 114 58 0.3746 45.16 -403.75 0
12 122 56 2.4692 48.46 106.35 0
16 126 55 3.6209 12.34 -146.21 8
25 135 44 7.4285 36.11 -553.02 0


All hits during the time window of the burst:

Hit Number Index Box Time Energy Position Type Cut
1 111 56 0.0000 41.46 142.48 0
2 112 55 0.1510 78.03 -271.97 0
3 113 57 0.3083 0.00 -1073.58 136 *
4 114 58 0.3746 45.16 -403.75 0
5 115 83 0.8129 0.00 1547.23 128 *
6 116 25 1.1818 2.80 245.63 8 *
7 117 39 1.4467 5.76 -255.64 0 *
8 118 26 1.8667 3.85 200.98 0 *
9 119 16 2.1452 4.63 121.94 8 *
10 120 69 2.2917 0.00 -1150.89 136 *
11 121 68 2.4128 4.78 -42.96 8 *
12 122 56 2.4692 48.46 106.35 0
13 123 68 2.6503 0.00 1816.56 136 *
14 124 26 2.9536 5.66 51.17 0 *
15 125 68 3.2123 0.00 1482.12 136 *
16 126 55 3.6209 12.34 -146.21 8
17 127 57 4.1727 0.00 -1092.98 136 *
18 128 42 4.8125 0.00 -528.31 264 *
19 129 36 5.5331 3.24 -203.91 8 *
20 130 77 6.3916 0.00 -596.93 136 *
21 131 74 6.3926 0.00 -590.31 128 *
22 132 77 6.4715 0.00 -507.60 264 *
23 133 10 6.8738 0.00 -1312.54 128 *
24 134 68 7.3705 0.00 -1961.42 128 *
25 135 44 7.4285 36.11 -553.02 0