Full detector is on. (fwd)

Erik Katsavounidis (KATSVNDS@axpgs0.lngs.infn.it)
Mon, 23 Dec 1996 20:28:25 +0100 (CET)

From: AXPGS0::KATSVNDS "Erik Katsavounidis" 23-DEC-1996 20:27:29.92
To: SMTP%"michael@cithe502.cithep.caltech.edu",SMTP%"schol@budoe.bu.edu",SMTP%"habig@budoe.bu.edu",SMTP%"pazzi@axpia.pi.infn.it"
Subj: Full detector is on.

Starting with RUN 13231 all 6 SMs and uVaxes in MACRO are taking data.
The ERP LUTs at their present state don't seem to create major problems
for the ERPGC trigger. LUT iterations are expected to take place over
this week or so. 3T07 and 2C06 remain off. Roberto, could you please
let me know if you'll be available tomorrow so that to commission these two
tank ends??
The ERPGC online monitor now looks at all 6 SMs.