We successfully executed the plan described in the previous email.
(It went so smoothly, something must surely be wrong!)
Here is the info about this GC LED test.
The test run was run 91329 on microvax 2. The GC LED test burst
program was run three times, taking about one and a half minutes each
time and with intervals of a few minutes in between each burst. The
boxes were fired *one at a time*, and *synchronized* with the pulsers,
i.e. the the LEDs were fired once for every switchbox change. Rates
of 35-40 Hz were achieved, thanks to a new fast pulsing Camac routine
written by Ioannis. The fired boxes were randomly generated (weighted
by mass), but with the same random seed for each execution of the
program, so it was the same box sequence for each burst (except for
possible small differences due to slightly different delays for some
Note that the beginning and end of each LED burst is flagged by a
sequence of ERP fake box hits. As before, a short period of
high light level pulses is followed by a longer period of low
light level pulses (although for this test, the pulsing rate was roughly
constant-- as fast as the program could go -- throughout the burst).
The sequence of boxes fired can
be found in the log file on vxmacb::$1$DIA2:[SCRA.SCINTSOFT.LED]gc_boxes_1.log,
gc_boxes_2.log, gc_boxes_3.log.
Format of these files is:
pulser setting number/iteration/total boxes fired so far/
box index/supermodule/box number
The pulser program log files can be found in
gc_settings_1.log, gc_settings_2.log, gc_settings_3.log
Here is an example:
LED/GC calibrations on which microvax?
LED/GC calibrations on which microvax?
DATA file containing LED settings?
DATE_TIME # (sec) # (V) (V) (nsec) (msec) (nsec) (nsec)
Firing fakeboxes ...
0 2.5 0 1.00 1.00 50 250.00 0 0
4-MAR-1999 15:18:19.91 End of firing fakeboxes
4-MAR-1999 15:18:19.93 Waiting 30.0 secs ...
4-MAR-1999 15:18:50.15 1 2.0 -1 -4.20 2.10 80 25.00 75 1075
Boxes turned on at rate = 34.86381 Hz
Iteration rate = 34.86381 Hz
4-MAR-1999 15:18:53.47 2 10.0 -1 -3.80 1.90 80 250.00 75 1075
Boxes turned on at rate = 37.95552 Hz
Iteration rate = 37.95552 Hz
4-MAR-1999 15:19:04.39 Waiting 30.0 secs ...
Firing fakeboxes ...
4-MAR-1999 15:19:04.39 0 2.5 0 -3.80 1.90 80 250.00 0 0
4-MAR-1999 15:19:34.63 End of firing fakeboxes
Data was copied to hsd000dua3:[data]
Here are some more details of the sequence of events
during this run:
-Burst 1:
gc code execution started about 1 min after run begin,
and took about 1.5 minutes
(this includes the fake box flags and delays),
then we waited for 3 minutes
-Burst 2: about one and a half minutes, then we waited
for 2 minutes
-Burst 3: about 1.5 minutes, then we waited a few more
minutes to stop the run.
There were several ERP monitor alarms during the test, which I have
not yet disentangled. I will be analyzing this data for the ERP
A presto,