This is essentially a hardware note but it has a wide enough effect
that I'm posting it to the general bulletin board. It describes my recent
major work on the CAMAC highways.
The main point here is to notify people of the change in case there are
any problems. I have already changed the main ACQ and calibration CAMAC lists,
are used by the LUT loader).
Essentially, I put all the hardware in the same slots on all three
uVAXes, so that as far as the sicntillator system is concerned all three CAMAC
lists are the same. This is a _huge_ advantage when debugging and adding new
electronics. There are three exceptions to the sameness plan:
(1) North and South walls: on uVAXes 1 and 3 the ERP includes EQUIP 25 and 26
for the North and South wall muon and GC, and includes them in the
end-of-run GC read (EQUIP 31). The pmt HV monitor (EQUIP 56 and 60) also
knows about them.
(2) InterERP TDC: this sometimes occupies crate 5 and sometimes occupies
crate 6. This was done to minimize cable lengths.
(3) FMT/CSPAM/HIPT: the inter-supermodule trigger design causes there to be
more modules on uVAXes 1 and 3 than on uVAX 2.
(4) All the WFD calls point to specific supermodules rather than CAMAC crates
so they of course vary from SM to SM.
Here are the major changes:
(1) SM 1,3,5 ERP now occupies crate 5; SM 2,4,6 occupies crate 6.
This was done so lower number SMs always got lower numbered
crates, as was the case for the LIP, TOHM, and WFD.
(2) On uVAX 2 the FMT was given crate 1 and the TOHM was given crate 4
to agree with the other uVAXes.
(3) On uVAX 1 and uVAX 2 SM 1,3 TOHM was given crate 3 while SM 2,4
TOHM was given crate 4, to agree with the higher-SM
higher-crate idea shown on uVAX 3.
(4) Various individual pieces of electronics that had wandered from
their assigned slots were rounded up and sent back home.
(5) The TOHM was moved down to the end of the crate to make room for the new
attico cards.
(6) The North and South wall ERPs were installed to the supervisors lived in
slot 21 just as on the ret of the SMs.
CAMAC Branch 2 Slot Allocations
18 July 1995 (NPL)
uVAX Branch Crate SM-Rack-Bin Allocation
---- ------ ----- ----------- ---------------------------------
1 2 1 1-15- 3 SM 1-2 FMT/HIPT/CSPAM
1 2 2 1-12- 1 North Face ERP, SMT (TOHM)
1 2 3 1-14- 1 SM 1 LIP, SMT (TOHM), WFD Stop
1 2 4 2- 4- 1 SM 2 LIP, SMT (TOHM), WFD Stop
1 2 5 1-13- 3 SM 1 ERP
1 2 6 2- 5- 2 SM 2 ERP
1 2 7 1-15- 1 SM 1-2 HV, SPU, Calibration
uVAX Branch Crate SM-Rack-Bin Allocation
---- ------ ----- ----------- ---------------------------------
2 2 1 3-15- 2 SM 3-4 FMT/HIPT/CSPAM
2 2 2 3-12- 1 Unallocated
2 2 3 3-14- 2 SM 3 LIP, SMT (TOHM), WFD Stop
2 2 4 4- 4- 1 SM 4 LIP, SMT (TOHM), WFD Stop
2 2 5 3-13- 4 SM 3 ERP
2 2 6 4- 5- 2 SM 4 ERP
2 2 7 3-14- 1 SM 3-4 HV, SPU, Calibration
uVAX Branch Crate SM-Rack-Bin Allocation
---- ------ ----- ----------- ---------------------------------
3 2 1 5-15- 2 SM 5-6 FMT/HIPT/CSPAM
3 2 2 6- 4- 1 South Face ERP, SMT (TOHM)
3 2 3 5-14- 1 SM 5 LIP, SMT (TOHM), WFD Stop
3 2 4 6- 4- 2 SM 6 LIP, SMT (TOHM), WFD Stop
3 2 5 5-13- 3 SM 5 ERP
3 2 6 6- 5- 2 SM 6 ERP
3 2 7 6- 3- 1 SM 5-6 HV, SPU, Calibration
uVAX 1 CAMAC Branch 2 Slot Assignments
Crate Slot(s) Allocation
---------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
1: SM1-2 FMT 1, 3, 5 SM1-2 CSPAM/FMT Discriminator/Latch
2, 4, 6 [Empty]
7, 9,11 SM1-2 HIPT Discriminator/Latch
8,10 [Empty]
17 North Face CSPAM/FMT/HIPT
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-25 Crate Controller
2: North ERP/SMT 1- 2 Visual Branch Terminator
3 [Unallocated]
4- 9 [North Face LI/TOHM]
10-18 [Unallocated]
19-20 North Face ERP Trigger Processor
21 North Face ERP Readout Supervisor
22 [Unallocated]
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-25 Crate Controller
3: SM1 LIP/SMT 1- 3 SM1 LIP
4- 9 [SM1 Center LI/TOHM]
10-15 [SM1 Top LI/TOHM]
16-17 SM1 Lower LI Latch
18-20 SM1 Lower LI CAMAC Interfaces
21-22 SM1 WFD Stop Manager
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-25 Crate Controller
4: SM2 LIP/SMT 1- 3 SM2 LIP
4- 9 [SM2 Center LI/TOHM]
10-15 [SM2 Top LI/TOHM]
16-17 SM2 Lower LI Latch
18-20 SM2 Lower LI CAMAC Interfaces
21-22 SM2 WFD Stop Manager
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-25 Crate Controller
5: SM1 ERP 1-20 SM1 ERP Trigger Processors
21 SM1 ERP Readout Supervisor
22 [Empty]
23 Crate Verifier
24-25 Crate Controller
6: SM2 ERP 1-20 SM2 ERP Trigger Processors
21 SM2 ERP Readout Supervisor
22 SM1-2 InterERP TDC
23 Crate Verifier
24-25 Crate Controller
7: SM1-2 General 1- 3 [Unallocated]
4 SM1-2 HV Interface
5- 6 SM1-2 LED Switchbox Output Registers
7 SM1-2 Lower Laser Interface
8 SM1-2 Attico Laser Interface
9 SM1-2 Lower Laser Attenuator Interface
10 SM1-2 Attico Laser Attenuator Interface
11 SM1-2 Calibration Register/Dataway Display
12 SM1-2 Reference Phototube ADC
13-16 SM1-2 Scintillator Trigger Master
17-22 [Unallocated]
23 Crate Verifier
24-25 Crate Controller
uVAX 2 CAMAC Branch 2 Slot Assignments
Crate Slot(s) Allocation
---------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
1: SM3-4 FMT 1, 3, 5 SM3-4 HIPT Discriminator/Latch
2, 4, 6 [Empty]
7, 9,11 SM3-4 CSPAM/FMT Discriminator/Latch
8,10,12 [Empty]
23 Crate Verifier
24-25 Crate Controller
2: Unallocated 1-2 Visual Branch Terminator
3-22 [Unallocated]
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-25 Crate Controller
3: SM3 LIP/SMT 1- 3 SM3 LIP
4- 9 [SM3 Center LI/TOHM]
10-15 [SM3 Top LI/TOHM]
16-17 SM3 Lower LI Latch
18 SM3 Lower LI CAMAC Interface } Note unique SM3
19-20 [Empty] } 3-in-1 LI int.
21-22 SM3 WFD Stop Manager
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-25 Crate Controller
4: SM4 LIP/SMT 1- 3 SM4 LIP
4- 9 [SM4 Center LI/TOHM]
10-15 [SM4 Top LI/TOHM]
16-17 SM4 Lower LI Latch
18-20 SM4 Lower LI CAMAC Interface
21-22 SM4 WFD Stop Manager
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-35 Crate Controller
5: SM3 ERP 1-20 SM3 ERP Trigger Processors
21 SM3 ERP Readout Supervisor
22 SM3-4 InterERP TDC
23 Crate Verifier
24-25 Crate Controller
6: SM4 ERP 1-20 SM3 ERP Trigger Processors
21 SM3 ERP Readout Supervisor
22 [Empty]
23 Crate Verifier
24-25 Crate Controller
7: SM3-4 General 1-3 [Unallocated]
4 SM3-4 HV Interface
5-6 SM3-4 LED Switchbox Output Registers
7 SM3-4 Lower Laser Interface
8 SM3-4 Attico Laser Interface
9 SM3-4 Lower Laser Attenuator Interface
10 SM3-4 Attico Laser Attenuator Interface
11 SM3-4 Calibration Register/Dataway Display
12 SM3-4 Reference Phototube ADC
13-16 SM3-4 Scintillator Trigger Master
17-18 [Unallocated]
19-20 LED Pulser GPIB Interface
21-22 InterERP Timing Master
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-25 Crate Controller
uVAX 3 CAMAC Branch 2 Slot Assignments
Crate Slot(s) Allocation
---------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
1: SM5-6 FMT 1, 3, 5 SM5-6 CSPAM/FMT Discriminator/Latch
2, 4, 6 [Empty]
7, 9,11 SM5-6 HIPT Discriminator/Latch
8,10 [Empty]
17 South Face CSPAM/FMT/HIPT
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-25 Crate Controller
2: South ERP/SMT 1- 2 Visual Branch Terminator
3 [Unallocated]
4- 9 [South Face LI/TOHM]
10-18 [Unallocated]
19-20 South Face ERP Trigger Processor
21 South Face ERP Readout Supervisor
22 [Unallocated]
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-25 Crate Controller
3: SM5 LIP/SMT 1- 3 SM5 LIP
4- 9 [SM6 Center LI/TOHM]
10-15 [SM6 Top LI/TOHM]
16-17 SM5 Lower LI Latch
18-20 SM5 Lower LI CAMAC Interfaces
21-22 SM5 WFD Stop Manager
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-25 Crate Controller
4: SM6 LIP/SMT 1- 3 SM6 LIP
4- 9 [SM5 Center LI/TOHM]
10-15 [SM5 Top LI/TOHM]
16-17 SM6 Lower LI Latch
18-20 SM6 Lower LI CAMAC Interfaces
21-22 SM6 WFD Stop Manager
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-35 Crate Controller
5: SM5 ERP 1-20 SM5 ERP Trigger Processors
21 SM5 ERP Readout Supervisor
22 SM5-6 InterERP TDC
23 Crate Verifier
24-25 Crate Controller
6: SM6 ERP 1-20 SM6 ERP Trigger Processors
21 SM6 ERP Readout Supervisor
22 [Empty]
23 Crate Verifier
24-25 Crate Controller
7: SM5-6 General 1-3 [Unallocated]
4 SM5-6 HV Interface
5-6 SM5-6 LED Switchbox Output Registers
7 SM5-6 Lower Laser Interface
8 SM5-6 Attico Laser Interface
9 SM5-6 Lower Laser Attenuator Interface
10 SM5-6 Attico Laser Attenuator Interface
11 SM5-6 Calibration Register/Dataway Display
12 SM5-6 Reference Phototube ADC
13-16 SM5-6 Scintillator Trigger Master
17-22 [Unallocated]
23 [Crate Verifier]
24-25 Crate Controller
[Empty] Slots which are planned to remain empty.
[Unallocated] Slots which can be used for future requirements.
[xxxxxx] Slots for which hardware has not yet been installed.
Contact the US Physicist-in-Charge for changes; in general, one-of-a-kind
harware can be placed in uVAX2 Branch 2 Crate 2, working from left to right,
and new hardware that lives on all three uVAXes should occupy the same crates
and slots everywhere to preserve the standardized CAMAC mapping.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nat Longley 18 JUL 95: Swapped uVAX 1-3 ERP crates and uVAX 1-2 LIP/SMT
crates to lower numbered SM would always have lower
numbered crate.
Nat Longley 01 JUN 95: Reallocated addresses to make crates identical (mod
SM number) on all uVAXes, with the following four
(1) InterERP TDCs are in either crate 5 or crate 6;
(2) Pulser GPIB interface is in uVAX 2 crate 7;
(3) North/South ERP & SMT are in uVAX 1/3 crate 2,
while crate 2 is unallocated on uVAX 2; and
(4) Inter-SM CSPAM/FMT/HIPT on uVAX 1,3 (not 2).
In addition, within uVAXes, crates 3/4 and 5/6 are
identical (mod SM number) except for #1 above.
Kate Scholberg 18 OCT 94: Ref ADC on SM 6 had been installed in a different
slot from the original assignment-- changing
allocation here.
Kate Scholberg 02 JUN 94: All new SMT (LI/TOHM) modules will now take up 6
slots instead of 5. Modules shifted over
?? 20 OCT 93: LIP modules moved over to be at the ends of the
crates (to accomodate ribbon cables), and other
modules shifted accordingly. Also, LI/TOHM display
module slots not needed, and changes to N/S face
ERP position.