Dear MACRO Collaborators,
Mario Spinetti and I (Jim Stone) have been charged with assembling
a technical paper of the completed MACRO detector to be used as a
reference for future MACRO physics publications. Below you will
find our first pass for a proposed outline. We invite everyone
to review it and make comments for improvements and additions or
deletions. We have tentatively assigned the experts as we know
them for writing the various sections. If your name appears,
please confirm to me and Mario that you accept the responsibility.
If you cannot do the work, please suggest an alternate person.
We wish to proceed with this paper as soon as possible, hence,
we ask that all section writers prepare the first draft of their
sections by the time of the Collaboration meeting at Gran Sasso.
We will have a parallel meeting at GS to discuss and refine the
outline and contents of the various sections.
Best Regards, JIM and MARIO
I. Introduction (J.Stone)
Summary of Physics objectives
Capabilities of Detector
Philosophy of Attico upwardgoing muons, Monopoles
Purpose of TRDs
History and Time Line
II. General Layout of MACRO Detector (M.Spinetti)
Overall Description Including Attico
Figures + Picture
III. The Scintillator System (A.Baldini)
Summary of 1st Paper-Things unchanged, e.g. Scintillator,
Tank design, PMT, ERP/PHRASE, etc.
IIIa. New Triggers (TOHM, LIP) (C.Walter)
IIIb. 200 mHz WFD (E.Kearns)
IIIc. Calibrations
LED Monopole (J.Hong)
PHRASE (A.Baldini)
ERP Gravitational Collapse Calibration (K.Scholberg)
IIId. Performance (D.Michael)
Time Resolution
Energy/Position Resolution, etc.
IV. The Streamer Tube System (G.Battistoni)
Summary of 1st Paper - Things unchanged
IVa. Attico Strips, Performance, Calibration (M. De Vincenzi)
IVb. Readout Electronics (Changes) (M.De Vincenzi)
IVc. Monopole Trigger (A.Sciubba)
IVd. Performance (S.Cecchini)
Shadow of Muon, Angular/Position Resolution, etc.
Monopole Calibration (A.Sciubba)
V. The Track-Etch System (G.Giacomelli)
Summary + Vertical Layers
Va. Calibration of CR39 (L.Patrizii)
Vb. Processing Technique (Photo, etc.)
VI. The TRD System (P.Spinelli)
General Description
Response of Performance
VII. Online Data Acquisition System (F.Ronga)
Front End Computers, CAMAC, VME system etc.
VAX 4000 etc. (A.Marini)
UTC Clock (V.Bisi)
Data Recording and Distribution (A.Grillo)
VIII. Conclusion