Subject: Power down in the underground hall
From: Flectar non frangar (
Date: Thu Sep 30 1999 - 11:25:38 EDT
News 894 in MACRO.GENERAL on node WSGS03 VaxNews 4.1
From: WSGS02::SITTA ( Flectar non frangar )
Subject: Power down in the underground hall
Date: 30-SEP-1999 17:22:20
Expires: 10-OCT-1999 17:22:20
L.N.G.S.,Assergi, 30-SEP-1999
Next Wednesday, Oct. 6th, the first part of a major intervention on the
underground electric plant will take place. The PILLER power line will be
moved from the old Power Control Center to a temporary new one. In this
way part of the old equipments can be dismounted and then remounted on the
switchboard of the new Power Control Center. When the latter is ready, the
PILLER line will be moved to its final place.
This intervention will entail the shut down of the whole detector. The
planned duration is four hours starting in the morning at about 9am local
time. So an approximately equal down time is foreseen. I strongly
requested to the electric plant technicians to stick to the planned
According to Eng. Fulgenzi it is not possible to switch to the final
power line in only one operation, since the new Power Control will be
operative only when all the users are connected to the new switchboard
(in facts also the other underground experiments in turn will experience
a power lack). Doing it in only one intervention would require many days
of down time. I will post an advice when the second part of this
intervention takes place.
Best regards
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