shift report, 12-24 Sept 1999

Subject: shift report, 12-24 Sept 1999
From: Chuck Lane (lane@DUPHY4.Physics.Drexel.Edu)
Date: Tue Oct 05 1999 - 16:13:03 EDT

Shift report: Sept 12-24 1999
Present at weekly meeting:
        Erik K., Ioannis K., Sophia K., Nicola Z, C. Lane

o SM4 lower TOHM power supply failed, possibly caused by a power glitch
  producing lots of TOHM triggers; uV2 removed from acq, then reinserted
  with SM4 lower TOHMs disabled, finally the power supply replaced and
  SM4 lower TOHMs put back in acquisition.

o WFD on SM3 channel 36-39 had "bogus timeword events", card changed

o FMT card on uV3 replaced to fix rate monitor buffer overflows

o During a test of fire sensors, VXMACA had a "console break" and
>>> prompt, attempted 'continue' resulted in a reboot, most likely
  because it was halted too long. After going over the area with
  safety people a few days later, it seems unlikely that it was a
  power glitch or cable hypothesis so far is
  that someone accidentally hit the "break" button on the console.

o The visit of Pres. Ciampi went fine; W side ventilation was turned
  of for a few minutes to reduced noise without affecting detector

o An LED test of gravitational stellar collapse trigger was performed
  during the weekly calibration, after notification was given that
  the system would be tested.

Chuck Lane       ~~~~~~~\ /
Drexel University       /|     .      Ph:  215/895-1545
Particle Physics       / /\___/       FAX: 215/895-5934

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