MACRO off for the next 36-72 hours

Subject: MACRO off for the next 36-72 hours
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Tue Dec 14 1999 - 10:59:41 EST


For those of you who read through the last 3 postings regarding the
power interruption in the LNGS, this note and its subject should not
be a surprise. The operation was deemed urgent, communicated to us
on Dec 9 and has already started taking in effect.

Today at noon (14-DEC-1999, 12:00) we have thus turned off the experiment
and all the computers that live underground. This was requested to
us by the lab in order to perform work on the electrical grid of the
underground facilities. The interruption is expected to last 36-72 hours
(these are the two extremes - still not clear which will apply).
Unfortunately, MACRO will have to remain OFF during this period.

LVD went through a similar shudown between ~08:00-12:00 this morning
(14-Dec-1999, during which MACRO was on) and is expected to be ON during
the rest of the works on the power grid.

In brief, the nominal operations affecting MACRO are as follows:
Dec 14, 12:00-20:00 --> no ventillation, no lights in the attico
Dec 15, 08:00-20:00 --> no power in Hall B
Dec 16, 08:00-20:00 --> no ventillation, no power in counting house/
                        computing/gas system

We have examined the possibility of turning part of the experiment
back on in order to run overnight. Given the nature and hours during
which operations are performed, the effect of turning on and off the
apparatus (~3% loss of power supplies) and thus the potential risk versus
potential gain we have chosen to remain off during the entire intervention.

Please let me know if you have comments, questions or suggestions.

--Erik K.

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