Subject: US shift report
From: Masoud Vakili (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 08:48:30 EST
Hello all,
Here is the two week shift report from Feb. 28 to Mar 10.
On Wednesday Mar. 1st, the calibration day, there was a UPS scheduled
check up. We ran power
alternative extension cords and unplugged and p[luged the computers
to the cords. We used to main and the backup acquisition machines to phase
out and in without run interruption.
For the Phrase system we had just under 10 minutes of down time both at
the beginning and the end of the operation. Then we unplugged and
replugged the internet hub devices to the extension cords as well.
after we stopped the run and shut down the VAMA! and VAMAC2 and then the
main power switch. After the check-up we just phased in with the reverse
This left us only three hours of calibration time and we did without the
slow monopole calibration but did all others.
During run 19105 we had two PMTs with strange flashes in the waveform,
we turned off these two, 1C05-1 and 3T08-1. On 1C05-1 we changed the base
and it seems to be behaving now. On 3T08-1, We it looked like a
light leak; we tightened the cap and it seems to be fine now. The first
good run after these sequence is 19227.
On March 9 during run 19218 we had two problems: The Lecroy power
supply to the PMT bases on SM5 had a glitch and we reset it and the power
distribution seemed fine. At the same moment though the PHRASE and TOHM
low voltage power distribution broke down. The
(+12 -12) low voltage power supply was at (+12 -8). We excluded uVax3 from
acquisition. Then we replaced the -12 supply
which was at -8 and rippling. After a 40 minute assurance mini-run we put
uVax3 back in (starting good run 19226).
Couple of small notes:
Last Monday the oxygen sensor was replaced following a false alarm
The west-side Pasarela (crane) is not operational and the paperwork to fix
it are now being processed.
The data reprocessing job in LNGS is going on at full force and about 33%
of the whole data set has been recalibrated (DD001-DD107). Furthermore the
time backward process of converting date before June 1995 (first
waveform run) from other media to DLT's is progressing and is now at May
1994. These are to obtain a 100% uniform data set in the form of
different types of DSTs.
We have also converted up to RDS39 in ZEBRA format for TAMU and BU. Right
now we are copying those onto 20GB tapes. This job will go on at a slower
pace and hopefully will be completed at the beginning on May. The data are
being put on 20GB tapes after conversion.
cheers, --masoud
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