Data shift report

Subject: Data shift report
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 12:38:14 EST

Data shift report (20-mar-2000 to 24-mar-2000)

  by Nicola Zaccheo
  From run 19267 to 19287

 During the week the acquisition has been running rather smoothly.
 On Thursday uVax1 and uVax2 didn't have enough resources to perform the usual
 Emily HV check. So I stopped run 19284 and booted both uVaxes.
 On Friday, run 19288 crashed at 8:04 AM for target buffer busy.

    WFD warnings: (I also checked runs 19235-19268 because the ED_MONITOR
                   jobs crashed and Yiannis relaunched them)

     run 19235 2B01-0 --> 3 LED-like pulses
     run 19251 4T09/4T15 --> big pulse (shower)
     run " " 3C06 --> 2 pulses - e.m. noise (MOTOROLA guards radio)
                              @ 2:01 and 2:04PM (16-mar-2000)
     run 19260 SM2CH16 --> 0-supp. off (evn.111)
     run " " 6T07-0 --> big pulse (muon)
     run 19261 SM4CH34 --> Ped. Var.
     run 19262 2T04/10-0 --> 0-supp. off (evn.5)
     run 19265 1B04-1 --> big pulse (muon)
     run 19266 2C02/08-0 --> 0-supp. off (evn.59)
     run 19268 2C01/07-0 --> 0-supp. off (evn.36)
     run " " 2E08/14-0 --> 0_supp. off (evn.325)
     run " " 2T10/16-0 --> 0_supp. off (evn.2415)
     run 19269 2B01/07-0 --> 0-supp. off (evn.56)
     run 19272 2T01/07-0 --> 0-supp. off (evn.2)
     run " " 4B06-1 --> big pulse (muon)
     run 19273 2C02/08-0 --> 0-supp. off (evn.87)
     run 19276 2C09/15-0 --> 0-supp. off (evn.17)
     run 19278 6T11-0 --> hit fraction out of tolerance (*)
     run 19281 1C09/15-0 --> 112 events with 0-supp. off!
     run 19282 6T07-0 --> big pulse (muon)
     run 19283 SM2 --> 37 evnts with 0-supp. off for different channels
     run 19284 SM1CH12 --> Ped. Var.
     run " " SM5CH39 --> Ped. Var.
     run 19285 2B10/16-0 --> 0-supp. off (evn.12)
     run 19286 2C04-1 --> ND=11184, it seems light leak. Checking in the
                              next runs no problems were found. The signal
                              is fine at scope. However we'll check for light
                              leak next Wednesday.
     run " " 2C04-0 --> In the same event, big positive pedestal

  (*)-> The signal looks very bright, unstable and it seems to have a double
        gain (with one of the gain at 2-3V). WFD stat. files show max Ndata
        ~ 5000-6000 and Hit/Bit fract. 10 times higher than other channels.
        The THOM trigger rate increased from 8mHz up to 22mHz during last
        We decided to turn off this tank starting from run 19290.

    TRIGGER RATE (hot tanks):

           TOHM --> 1T11 ~25mHz, 2T16 ~15mHz, 3T12 ~45mHz(!) 4T02 ~15mHz,
                      4T10 ~10mHz, 4T11 ~7mHz, 5T02 ~15mHz, 6T11 ~22mHz(*)
           ERP --> 3B07 ~7mHz, 6T07 ~7.2mHz
           LIP --> 2E10 ~9mHz, 3E04 ~7mHz, 6T12 ~10.2mHz
           ERP-GC --> 6S04 ~120mHz, 6S07 ~60mHz
  Starting from run 19267 (run 19266 for 6B03 on LIP) boxes 6B01-6B08
  were dead on PHRASE (6B03, 6B05 and 6B07 for LIP). During run 19275 I
  handled cables on the Pisa Mixer module and the problem was fixed.

  All LAMOSSKA triggers are justified except 3 LAM50 events during run 19275.

    CSPAM/ERP efficiency:

           different tanks have sometimes 20-40% in different runs.
           3B07 ~47% and 6E10 ~75% according to Chuck's plots.

    ERP/LIP efficiency:

           except the "usual" cross-SMs, there are low efficiency between
           iERP/iLIP for tanks at faces "boundary" but also for "central"
           ones (i.e. 1C12-1C15).

    SPU: still hits on ERPI, ERPII, SPARE and LED on uVax1.


           the no Q's responses from SM5 STPM stopped after our intervention
           on Wednesday. We replaced a LEMO connector that looked not good
           and we pull out/in the module.
           We received a lot of no Q's from STPM on SM2 during run
           19267 (192), run 19268 (1088) and run 19283 (2198). All happened
           during Cross-Stop events: when there was an event on SM1, the
           SM2 STPM gave 9 no Qs (1 PATT. + 8 TIME). I unplugged and plugged
           back the corresponding LEMO cable and this problems never happens
           during last 5 runs.


           Full set of calibrations on uVax3.
           4 weeks analysed for ERP constants: ref. runs 19149, 19183,
           19215 and 19249. In the last one there is something wrong
           for 1N06 that has a L/R p.e. ratio of 0.06...The PMT in side 1
           has a very bad signal (bright, filled).

           ED_MONITOR jobs crashed (CPU time limit expired) for runs 19269
           and 19277. I relaunched them.
           GC-PINGS monitor doesn't work for NFS problms in trasfering Kate's
           plots from AVALON to AXPGS5. I sent to her an e-mail and she asked
           to us to contact Donati/D'Ambrosio (we tried without success).
           The 'passerella' on MACRO west side broke again!


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