meeting on data issues before/after MACRO's decommission

Subject: meeting on data issues before/after MACRO's decommission
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Thu Apr 27 2000 - 08:43:06 EDT

Dear MACRO Colleagues,

We are planning to have a meeting at Gran Sasso on May 16
(Tuesday) 14:00-17:00 in order to discuss *final* MACRO data
distribution issues and long-term MACRO data archiving/storage.

The top priority issues include:
1) Completion of DLT distribution for Italian institutions;
   for various reasons, several full-MACRO data tapes
   were produced in a limited number (lack of tapes, op. system
   breakdown, acquisition problems, tape drives breakdown) and
   not delivered to all of them. Please DO YOUR DLT INVENTORY and
   IF YOU WISH to receive tapes that were somehow skipped, please
   submit your requests. Producing these tapes costs money
   and time that can be spent elsewhere if there is no
   interest in receiving these tapes. Added to that, there are
   roughly 30 DLT tapes with pre-1995 data that were transfered
   from older media (TA90,8mm) to DLTs. If there is anybody
   interested in receiving them, this is the moment to start
   working on them.

2) Completion of DST distribution to US institutions.
   We have been catching up with RARE DST production
   for TAMU and by May we should be able to provide
   the complete data set. If other US institutions (BU, CIT)
   that partially received RARE DSTs wish to continue, please
   submit your requests now.

3) We need to discuss what kind of data we should plan on
   leaving permanently on disk, where this should happen and
   under what platform. As you probably know, most of the
   infrastucture at Gran Sasso is VAX/VMS based and this is
   where we've invested so far. A 250 DLT robot and hundreds
   of GB of disk space are currently available under VAX/VMS
   which is planned to phase out shortly after MACRO's
   decommissiong: we should be prepared for this moment.

Everybody interested is welcome to participate, or communicate
any of his/her preferences or suggestions. This meeting by
no means tries to substitute the work of the working groups
which most likely have to go though similar discussions but
for a much more limited volume of data.
It only intends to optimize the resources --mostly computing
and manpower-- for the limited time that they are still going
to be available (at least at Gran Sasso).

Aurelio Grillo
Francesco Ronga
Erik Katsavounidis

PS If you plan to travel to Gran Sasso for this meeting,
please let us know

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