Last MACRO RUN with WFDs: #19499 of 04-MAY-2000

Subject: Last MACRO RUN with WFDs: #19499 of 04-MAY-2000
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Thu May 04 2000 - 12:59:04 EDT

Dear MACRO Colleagues,

The 200MHz Wave Form Digitizer (WFD) system is out of MACRO's
acquisition as of May 4, 2000 09:00 (VXMACA time). The
last MACRO RUN that collected (real, i.e., non-calibration)
data is # 19499. RUNs 19500 and 19501 are PHRASE only,
while RUN 19502 is the first full MACRO RUN with the
WFD system out.

Over the last three days we have taken several special
calibration RUNs in microvax 1. Starting tomorrow morning,
we will physically remove the WFD hardware from SM1/2.

WFDs in microvaxes 2&3 will remain in place for the next few
days in order to complete the special calibrations there.
All special runs (with WFDs) are taken under the backup
acquisition system and a separate e-mail summarizing the
final calibration runs taken will be sent later.

Let me mention that with the WFD system unplugged, MACRO
is writting 1/5 of the data it used to write. RUN length
has been adjusted to ~10-10.5 hrs. A new set of camac lists
(named GUT20.LISx) has been introduced: all WFD commands
(in initialization and equipment definition) have been commented
out while the execution of EQUIP 42 (i.e., the WFD reading
command) has been completely taken out.

Let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments.

--Erik K.

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