Subject: New cradle to run DREAM on Linux
From: Flectar non frangar (
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 09:02:56 EDT
News 935 in MACRO.GENERAL on node WSGS02 VaxNews 4.1
From: WSGS03::SITTA ( Flectar non frangar )
Subject: New cradle to run DREAM on Linux
Date: 17-JUL-2000 14:45:07
Expires: 15-SEP-2000 14:45:07
L.N.G.S.,Assergi, 17-JUL-2000
M. N. Mazziotta kindly provided me a new cradle to run DREAM on a
Linux box; he gave me also a script (DREAMEXE) to compile. He said
he successfully ran it on both a 166MHz Pentium I with RedHat 5.2 and
gcc version 2.90.29 , and a 600MHz AMD-K7 with RedHat 7.1 and gcc
version 2.95.3 . Please note that in his procedure all DREAM routines
are extracted and compiled each time, so You need also HBOOK.CAR,
CALLIB.F and CMKUIN.F to properly compile. Besides the DST readout
uses the same VAX format, as he already wrote these files on Linux
after conversion from free format.
These new DREAM.CRA and DREAMEXE are now located under
Please address directly to him any question or comment.
Best regards
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