Subject: MACRO closing ceremony at GS - Dec 19, 2000
From: Alessandra Di Credico LNGS/INFN Tel:++390862437293 (
Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 21:02:09 EST
Dear friends,
on the occasion of the ending of MACRO data-taking we have organized
celebrations which we hope will involve many MACRO physicists and technicians
as well as the staff of the Gran Sasso Lab.
The tentative program is the following:
Tuesday december 19
11.15 Arrival at the external Lab
11.30-13.00 In the Outside Lab (Seminar Room close to the Library):
Short talks by the GS Director, GG, a Senior US colleague,
two-three italian colleagues and free comments
13.00-14.00 Buffet lunch (Elodia)
14.15-15.00 Hall B: photographs and turn-off of part of MACRO
15.20-16.00 In the Outside Lab:
Cake and drinks [with also the GS staff]
In order to optimize the organization of this celebration day, it would
be really useful to know who's coming and who's not. Please, send an e-mail
to to acknowledge your partecipation as soon as
A second [smaller ] set of celebrations will be held on Thursday december 21
for those who cannot attend on Dec 19, with the following tentative schedule:
12.00-13.00 Directly in Hall B: photographs and turn off of the remaining part
of MACRO [it was constructed in a modular way and we are going
to turn it off in a ...similar way...]
13.15 Lunch organized by Mario Spinetti
Also for this occation the interested people are kindly asked to inform
Spinetti and GG as soon as possible.
GG and the GS_AQ MACRO group
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