MACRO ERP calibrations, 7466 - 20235 (24-APR-94 till 19-DEC-00)

Subject: MACRO ERP calibrations, 7466 - 20235 (24-APR-94 till 19-DEC-00)
Date: Tue Jan 09 2001 - 18:16:37 EST

Ciao a tutti,

I have just completed a study of the newly (re-)produced scintillator
calibrations for the ERP, focussing primarily on the timing constants.
Please have a look at the files:
macro_comments.txt (1.5 Kbytes)
macro_summary.txt (5 Kbytes)
macro_report.txt (32 Kbytes, quite detailed)
recalib.list (300 Kbytes, very detailed)
and the associated .MASK files on a run-by-run basis
All the above are located under
or the equivalent web link

I would like to express my personal satisfaction on the global ERP data
quality and the associated .DSTs and calibration constants. Being involved
in the calibration procedure for more than 4 years, I trully believe the
newly produced constants (together with the corresponding micro-cuts !!!)
to provide the basis for some of the best analyses with MACRO.

I would also like to use this opportunity to send my best regards to
everyone in the collaboration; if you need to contact me, I am regularly
checking my Italian email (

Allow me to copy some of the contents of the above mentioned files.

A dopo,

Ioannis Katsavounidis


- 349 calibration sets (reference run numbers)
   First run: 7466, 27-APR-94
   Last run: 20212, 12-DEC-00; covers up to last MACRO run, 20235, 19-DEC-00
   Runs covered: 7466 - 20235; total of 12770 runs
                 80909 - 81283; total of 375 runs
                 90000 - 91979; total of 1980 runs
                                TOTAL OF 15125 RUNS
   Period covered: 27-APR-94:20:49:34 till 19-DEC-00:14:58:19
   Total of about 2427.75 days =
                  58266.15 hours =
                3495968.75 min. =
              209758125.00 sec. (can be used as a reference period for livetime)
                                (or 21x10^7, with about 0.1% error...)
   Average duration for each calibration set: 6.96 days

- Destroy data quality (MUST be excluded):
  2B13: 7466 - 7594
  2T09: 7466 - 8628
  SM1 : 18397 - 18416
  SM3 : 14993 - 15010
  SM4 : 16604 - 16632
  SM5 : 15914 - 15946
        18811 - 18813
  SM6 : 8035 - 8056
  N/S : various periods
  iERP: various periods

- Introduce background (high sigma)
  5E08/09: 7466 - 15712; Alwayes - bad hardware
  2W07 : 8995 - 20235; ~ 6% of the time;
           wrong constants (Timewalk) ? Poor light collection ? Open the tank !
  2E07 : 8382 - 20235; ~20% of the time;
           wrong constants (Timewalk) ? Poor light collection ? Open the tank !
  5E08/09: 15773 - 19771; ~ 5% of the time;
           probably poor timewalk constants after S/H hadrware change
  5E11 : 8279 - 12736: ~ 6% of the time; (5E08/09 were broken - affect 5E11)
  5W14 : 15237 - 15339; ~50% of the time;
           bad LUTs ?
  5W08/09/10: 8995 - 9466; (mostly 5W09, 60% of the time)
               bad LUTs ?
  5W01/02/03/04, 5E05/06/07 : 19281 - 19311
  4E08 : 17282 - 17453; ~50% of the time;
  3W09 : 15451 - 16698; ~ 6% of the time;
  1W08/09,1E08: 9083 - 9221

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