call for MACRO ICRC 2001 papers

Subject: call for MACRO ICRC 2001 papers
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Mon Jan 22 2001 - 10:35:19 EST

 News 953 in MACRO.GENERAL on node VAXGS VaxNews 4.1

        From: WSGS03::GRILLO ( cade qualche fiocco di neve... )
     Subject: **** IMPORTANT!!!! ICRC Abstracts ****
        Date: 22-JAN-2001 09:24:22
     Expires: 8-MAR-2001 09:24:22

Dear MACRO Collaborator:

        The 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC) will be held in
Hamburg, Germany during August 7-15, 2001.
Details of this conference are given on the web at:

        We will be coordinating and editing the MACRO papers for this ICRC,
as we have in the past. Please submit an abstract for any MACRO-based ICRC
paper that you wish to present to by
Feb. 12, 2001. Use either LaTex or ASCII in your submission to us.
During Feb. 13-15 we will OK and edit the abstracts.

        The authors will then submit the abstracts to the ICRC following the
procedure explained at (which
one can access from the main ICRC web site given above). The deadline for
the abstract to be received by the ICRC is Mar. 16, 2001.


                        Aurelio Grillo
                        Dick Heinz

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