Fast monopole/Fractional search memos available

Subject: Fast monopole/Fractional search memos available
Date: Tue Feb 06 2001 - 20:05:28 EST

MACRO colleagues,

Please find at
MACRO MEMO 09/2000 describing the application of the earlier
LIP work on the search of fast magnetic monopoles. Under
the same top area you may find an updated version (text only,
not figures or numbers) of MACRO MEMO 08/2000 on the LIP work.
These are authored by Cei/Grassi/Pazzi/Peck/Kats's

Reading 08/2000 is a prerequisite for 09/2000.


E. Katsavounidis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | NW17-161
175 Albany Street | tel#: 617 258 9218
Cambridge, MA 02139 | fax#: 617 253 7014

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