New MACRO memo.

Subject: New MACRO memo.
From: maurizio spurio (
Date: Tue Mar 13 2001 - 10:53:04 EST

Hi all --

We (Bakari, Becherini and I) prepared a MACRO internal memo (the first of
the millennium!) about the:

"Upward going muon energy evaluation for the neutrino-oscillation study"

The memo is a reduced version of the Italian Laurea Thesis of Yvonne
and it is written in italian, to speed up the process. If everyone is
interested at the full version, please contact

The main result is that the upward-going muons sample is divided in three
sub-samples with different average energy (a low, a medium and a high energy
We studied the pattern of the ratio between data and MC versus the average
energy of the parent neutrinos, and versus L/E_nu. The measured ratio
decreases with increasing L/E_nu, as expected assuming nu_mu-nu_tau
Moreover, the ratio between the two sample of high and low energy (as
usual, the ratio is less effected by the theoretical uncertainties on the
neutrino flux, cross section and muon propagation) is more than 3 sigmas far
from the hypothesis of no-neutrino oscillation.
Also, a detailed description of the checks (using atmospheric muons crossing
MACRO and stopping in it) on the Monte Carlo it is included.

You can download the memo from the MACRO-Bologna Home page: (list of all memos) (this memo)


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