Subject: FYI: Updated GMACRO: Now Version 8.1
Date: Wed Apr 11 2001 - 04:09:10 EDT
News 958 in MACRO.GENERAL on node AXPGS3 VaxNews 4.1
Subject: Updated GMACRO: Now Version 8.1
Date: 11-APR-2001 09:58:43
Expires: 10-JUL-2001 09:58:43
L.N.G.S.,Assergi, 11-APR-2001
A revised version of GMACRO (Version 8.10) is now available. It contains
mainly a lot of bug fixes previously found in many different cradles.
Attached to this News there is the patch INFORM810 from the card file.
The new version is located in
under VMS, and in
under Unix. In these areas You can find
GMACRO810.CAR the new card file
GMACRO810.CRA an example cradle to run GMACRO
GMACRO810.FFR an example of data cards
GMACEXE81.COM \ (VMS only) command files to compile
GMACEXE81_AXP.COM / GMACRO under VAX and Alpha
makefile (Unix only) makefile to compile GMACRO
setnames (Unix only) script to set some environment
In the same areas there are also
INTERNAL.CAR card file to generate neutrino events
NUIN810.CRA cradle to generate neutrino events in
MACRO (adapted to GMACRO V. 8.1)
NUIN810.FFR an example of data cards
One of us (Antonio) checked that these files are effectively the most
updated ones, as used by the Neutrino Working Group.
This version was successfully tested on VMS (both VAX and Alpha) and
OSF/1 (aka Digital Unix) machines of the Gran Sasso clusters.
Please report any problem or suggestion to and/or and/or .
This revised version contains many bug fixes previously scattered in
different correction cradles, often not synchronized with each other.
To avoid troubles all corrections were gathered and a global update
performed. Although most part of these fixes were found by the neutrino
working group, many people contributed to them: D.Bakari, P.Bernardini,
G.Mancarella, D.Martello, B.Nolty, A.Rastelli, M.Sioli, M.Sitta, A.Surdo
(and maybe other anonymous workers).
The affected routines are:
- GMDATA: many geometrical fixes: in strip position and pitch
(STRSPAHT, vector STROR, vector STRORHT), and in MACRO position in
the tunnel (vectors STUNB, MACRP, TUNBP)
- GMDATT: many geometrical fixes: shift of the 8th pack of the
lateral modules (vectors Ltm1p, sltm1, tpt1p), and in MACRO position
in the tunnel (vectors STUNA, MACTP, TUNAP)
- GUDIGI: missing GMFTUD call added
- GUINIT: FORMAT restated
- GUOUT : missing common GMBANK added
- GUSTEP: GSXYZ called only if debug on (same as GPCXYZ was)
- GUTRAK: missing common GCFLAG added
- GUTREV: IUMTRG mistyped
- GMFTHS: bug fix in computing the South End Cap plane number
- GMLTUD: GMTLST was erroneously called for lower attico modules
- GMQWIR, GMLQWIR, GMTQWIR: protection against number of strips
overflow (NTSTRP.GE.MNSTR-1)
- GMSETD and GMSTDT: number of bits doubled (12 -> 24) in NBHCT to
- GMSETT: systematic shift of the attico ST chambers with respect
to the lower part fixed, many volumes changed from ONLY to MANY in
their GSPOS call
- GMSETV: GS rock density lowered, many volumes changed from ONLY
to MANY in their GSPOS call, LMOD and FMOD defined as "iron boxes"
(this correction was already present in V. 7.21 but disappeared in
V. 8.0)
- GMTLST: bug fix in computing the attico lateral strip number and
its charge
- GMTSTAS: many bug fixes in digitization of attico hits (check on
cluster size < 7 , last cluster not being saved, etc)
- GMTLAST: TLAST is now fixed at 4000 ns (instead of being the time
of last hit, which gives troubles with 'delayed hits' due to muon
- GMTSTHL: bug fix for strip id < 0
- GMVIEW: wrong VOLUME dimension (50 -> 41)
- ERP_HIT: protection against number of box hits overflow
- QDSTRIP: bug fix in computing the distance between the avalanche
and the nearest strip center
- QDSTRIPL: new subroutine to compute the streamer charge on the
lateral strips (similar to QDSTRIP)
A bit of cosmetics was performed here and there (many TABs changed in
white spaces, misaligned lines moved, etc.).
This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Wed Apr 11 2001 - 04:09:23 EDT