Subject: From Gran Sasso VAXNEWS on MACRO technical paper
From: Erotokritos Katsavounidis (kats@MIT.EDU)
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 20:20:22 EDT
News 962 in MACRO.GENERAL on node AXPGS0 VaxNews 4.1
Subject: Technical Paper
Date: 29-JUN-2001 11:15:03
Expires: 29-JUL-2001 11:15:03
To the MACRO Institutional Representatives
The Technical Paper has been approved.
The authors propose to publish it in NIM. You can find the files at VAXGS in
Please check the author list, remember that you should add some technical people
and can remove people who are not interested anymore in MACRO. Please send the
exact authorship list for your Institution to
before wednesday july 11, 2001.
BB and GG
E. Katsavounidis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | LIGO Lab, NW17-161
175 Albany Street | tel#: 617 258 9218
Cambridge, MA 02139 | fax#: 617 253 7014
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