VSMAC1 RUNs in December 1998

Erik Katsavounidis (Erik.Katsavounidis@lngs.infn.it)
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 23:35:49 +0100

Hi all,

Notice that during the gain reset period, while main (VXMACA) acquisition
was kept for the 2/3 of the detector, backup (VSMAC1) RUNs were taken
in parallel for the microvaxes that had their gains just reset.
Starting with RUN 91245 and on until now, such RUNs collect good data
for most analyses with the exception maybe of ERP GC.

The only problem with these VSMAC1 is that occasionally the EVENT NUMBER
got STUCK (due to sync conflicts with the main acquisition?). As a result,
most of the RARE DSTs produced for these VSMAC1 have actually MORE events
that they should. If one of the "stuck" events were fulfilling the RARE
requirements, then ALL such events were eventually selected, i.e., the
RARE DSTs for these runs are superset of the true RARE DST.

I expect at least 1-2 such VSMAC1 RUNs to be taken until the gain reset
job is completed.
