Just after I left on Saturday there were some problems with mvax
1. (around 6:30 PM).
This morning I noticed that the rates were low, and that mvax 1
was receiving no triggers. The reason for this was simply that mvax1 was
not in acquisition. The problem with mvax 1 was apparently due to many
no Q errors on 2-4-22 -- This is the LeCroy TDC module for the ERP on SM2.
I ran a miniACQ and found the same problem. I checked by eye the
cables and connectors into this module. Then I cycled power on the crate
and reloaded luts for SM2 (only after trying to run another miniacq and
having a high trigger rate on the ERP 8-) ).
After 30 minutes there were no no Q errors. So I have restarted
run 17944 with a full detector. After another 30 minutes it is still ok.
Lets Hope